App Privacy Settings

Disabling Tracking πŸ”—

To disable tracking for a list of devices:

  1. From your navigation, go to Apps Management.
  2. Select the app to edit.
  3. On the right column, click on Edit App Settings.


In accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), we require all developers using Chartboost services to determine if their apps are directed toward children under 13 (Child-Directed App).

Select whether your app is or is not directed to children under 13.

Block Device Tracking πŸ”—

The collection of personal data for personalized advertising can be restricted for selected devices by uploading a list of device IDs.

Here, you can upload a CSV file with device IDs and choose a privacy law (GPDR or CCPA).

  • GDPR: By adding a list of device IDs to your app, Chartboost will restrict the collection of personal data for personalized advertising from those devices on the app you specified. Devices uploaded for GDPR will not be available for Behavioral Targeting campaigns but may still be used on your behalf for permitted purposes such as delivering contextual ads, measuring performance, and frequency capping.
  • CCPA: By adding a list of device IDs to your app, Chartboost will restrict the collection of personal data for personalized advertising from those devices you identify in your upload. Data may still be used on your behalf for permitted purposes such as delivering contextual ads, measuring performance, and frequency capping.

Chartboost requires a single column of device IDs with no headers. Other formats will result in an error.

