Ad Locations

Boost your ad revenue by setting up Ad Locations for Chartboost on your mediation solutions.

Before You Begin πŸ”—

For interstitial and rewarded placement types, Chartboost supports flat CPM.

  • Flat CPM means Chartboost guarantees to pay the exact amount of the specified CPM price, nothing more or less. For example, if you set up a $10 flat CPM for the interstitial inventory of your app in the US, Chartboost will pay $10 CPM.

For banner placement type, Chartboost supports CPM floor.

  • CPM Floor means Chartboost guarantees to pay no less than the specified CPM price. For example, if you set up a $2 CPM floor for the banner inventory of your app in the US, Chartboost might pay $2.50 CPM, but not under $2 CPM.

In addition to using the Chartboost platform to create and edit Ad Locations, you can also use the new Chartboost Publisher CPM Management API to achieve the same goal. If you are interested, please reach out to your Chartboost account manager or

Overview of Ad Locations πŸ”—

From the navigation menu, go to Monetization > Apps and you will see an overview of all existing apps that have ad location setup (including those set up by your account manager at Chartboost).

  • This overview will provide the total number of ad locations, earnings, requests, impressions, and show rate for each app.
  • You can also filter by the specific app store.

To edit the Ad locations and format type, click on the app you wish to make changes to.

Create a New Ad Location πŸ”—

You can add up to 100 unique location names per app and location type.

  1. On your Monetization > Apps overview page, or within any app, click + Create new Ad Location.
  2. Select the app from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select the ad format for this ad location (Interstitial, Rewarded, or Banner).
  4. Create an ad location name for this ad location that helps you quickly identify it.
  5. Select an ad location type (Fixed CPM or Bidding).
  6. For Fixed CPM, set a CPM rate and select the countries to apply this CPM.
  7. Click Create to complete.

Please note the restrictions and permitted characters for the naming of ad locations. All ad location names are case-sensitive.

  • Maximum of 80 characters
  • Upper or lower case
  • Numbers 0-9
  • Special characters allowed: $ & - _ , + / \
  • Spaces are allowed

Ad Location Type πŸ”—

Fixed CPM πŸ”—

You can set up different countries with different flat CPM prices for the same location name. However, you can not set up different flat CPM prices for the same location name and the same country.

For any countries not set up with flat CPM or CPM floor prices, Chartboost will automatically optimize for the publisher’s best yield.

  • For example, you filled in Interstitial Location One, only selected the United States (no other countries selected), and specified a $20 flat CPM. In this case, if Chartboost receives ad requests from Interstitial Location One in Canada, Chartboost will match the best ads possible and serve dynamic eCPM, which is not guaranteed to be at $20 CPM.

Bidding πŸ”—

The Bidding ad location type is for publishers who wish to bid into the Chartboost Exchange using In-App Bidding, Chartboost’s Real Time Bidding solution. For partners who wish to inquire about bidding into the Chartboost Exchange via In-App Bidding, please email

Advanced Monetization Settings πŸ”—

Use the features on the Monetization Settings page for advanced advertising filtering.

Monitor Ads Monetization Performance With Chartboost API πŸ”—

  • The best way to check your apps monetization performance is to use the Chartboost API of app analytics grouped by country, which provides location and country level impression, eCPM, and ad revenue data.
  • For more information about this API, check out the App analytics grouped by country section on the Analytics Methods documentation.

Chartboost platform πŸ”—

  • Go to Monetization > Analytics to see your ads earnings by app and ad location breakdown.
  • Note: The campaign names you will see in the campaign analytics are automatically generated publishing campaigns by Chartboost.

Create or Update Multiple Ad Locations by Uploading a CSV πŸ”—

  1. On your Monetization > Apps overview page, click on the three-dot icon at the top right.
  2. Select Upload Ad Locations via .CSV.
  3. Select the app to apply your bulk ad locations.
  4. Click Select and upload your .CSV file.

To update an existing ad location, the name, type, ad type, and country must match an existing entry. You will only be able to update the CPM price. Any other entries will create a new ad location entry.

We recommend using the provided sample file as the template. See below for specific formatting requirements. You can also download a CSV of the current existing ad locations.

Formatting the CSV πŸ”—

Download the sample file provided in the Upload ad locations via .csv page. You can also download the current list to edit, add, or remove from the existing list.

Open the file in Excel, Numbers, or your preferred CSV editor. You must be able to save the file as a CSV to upload.

Add each ad location details per row:

  • Name: Name of the ad location that helps you quickly identify it
    • Maximum of 80 characters
    • Upper or lower case
    • Numbers 0-9
    • Special characters allowed: $ & - _ , + / \
    • Spaces are allowed
  • Type: This column must have fixed_cpm entered
  • Ad Type: Enter rewarded, interstitial, or banner
  • Country:
    • Only valid country codes are accepted.
    • If it targets all country, enter default.
    • if it targets multiple countries, enter | to separate the list. You do not need to include a space between the |. (Example: US|DE|CA)
  • Price: Enter the CPM price. Do not include $ symbol.
    • If it targets one country, enter one price. (Example: 45.35)
    • If it targets multiple countries, enter a | to separate the prices following the same order as the countries. (Example: 35.5|11.55|13 will apply 35.5 to US, 11.55 to DE, and 13 to CA)

You must save this file as a CSV to upload.

Edit or Delete Existing Ad Locations πŸ”—

  1. On your Monetization > Apps overview page, click on any app.
  2. From here, you can edit the CPM price directly. Click the checkmark icon to save.
  3. Otherwise, click on the three-dot icon for the Ad Location you want to edit.
  4. Click on Edit or Delete.
  5. Make sure to click Save after making any edit changes.