Delegate Methods

Overview πŸ”—

The Chartboost SDK’s delegate methods allow you to exercise a greater degree of control over your integration. For example, you can:

  • Log debug messages when your game attempts to load an interstitial.
  • Determine when an ad is done loading and ready to be shown.
  • Determine whether a user has clicked an ad or just closed it and react accordingly.

You can view the Chartboost iOS SDK methods at your disposal in the CHBAdDelegate.h header file in the Chartboost framework. You can see many of these methods in use within the Chartboost sample project.

All iOS 14 information can be found on Upgrading the SDK.

SDK Configuration Methods πŸ”—

See SDK Configuration Methods.

Ad Delegate Setup πŸ”—

In order to receive delegate method calls you need to set the ad’s delegate:

  • var interstitial = CHBInterstitial(location: CBLocationDefault delegate:self)
    // now self will receive delegate calls for the methods it has implemented
    interstitial.delegate = anotherObject
    // now anotherObject will receive delegate calls for this ad instead of self
  • CHBInterstitial *interstitial = [[CHBInterstitial alloc] initWithLocation:CBLocationDefault delegate:self];
    // now self will receive delegate calls for the methods it has implemented
    interstitial.delegate = anotherObject;
    // now anotherObject will receive delegate calls for this ad instead of self

Ad Identifier πŸ”—

All the event objects passed as parameters in delegate method calls include an adID property. This is a string that uniquely identifies a cached ad and may assist in identifying faulty creatives when working with Chartboost.

Static & Video Interstitial Delegate Methods πŸ”—

didCacheAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after a cache call if
    • an ad has been loaded from the Chartboost servers and cached.
    • an ad has failed to be loaded from the Chartboost servers.
  • Parameter Event: A cache event with info related to the cached ad.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad is ready to be shown after the cache method has been called.


  • func didCacheAd(_ event: CHBCacheEvent, error: CHBCacheError?){
        if (error) {
            // Handle error. Maybe trigger a retry mechanism.
  • - (void)didCacheAd:(CHBCacheEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBCacheError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error. Maybe trigger a retry mechanism.

willShowAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after a showFromViewController: call, right before an ad is presented.
  • Parameter Event: A show event with info related to the ad to be shown.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad is about to be presented.


  • func willShowAd(event: CHBShowEvent){
        // Pause ongoing processes like video or gameplay.
  • - (void) willShowAd:(CHBShowEvent *)event {
        // Pause ongoing processes like video or gameplay.

didShowAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after a showFromViewController: call, either if the ad has been presented and an ad impression logged, or if the operation failed.
  • Parameter Event: A show event with info related to the ad shown.
  • **Parameter Error: **An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified when the ad presentation process has finished.


  • func didShowAd(event: CHBShowEvent, error: CHBShowError?){
        if error {
            // Handle error, possibly resuming processes paused in willShowAd
  • - (void)didShowAd:(CHBShowEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBShowError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error, possibly resuming processes paused in willShowAd

shouldConfirmClick πŸ”—

  • Description: Called whenever the user clicks an ad to give a chance to the developer to present a confirmation gate before the click is handled.
  • Parameter Event: A click event with info related to the ad clicked.
  • Parameter confirmationHandler: A block to be executed only if the return value is YES. It takes a BOOL parameter that indicates if the confirmation gate was passed or not.
  • Returns:
    • YES if the handling of the triggering click should be paused for confirmation.
    • NO if the click should be handled without confirmation.
  • Discussion: If you return YES it is your responsibility to implement some confirmation method that triggers the execution of the confirmationHandler. If this method is not implemented, clicks will be handled without confirmation.


  • - (BOOL)shouldConfirmClick:(CHBClickEvent *)event confirmationHandler:(void(^)(BOOL))confirmationHandler
        if (self.needsClickConfirmation) {
            MyAwesomeAgeGate *ageGate = [[MyAwesomeAgeGate alloc] initWithCompletion:^(BOOL confirmed) {
                [ageGate dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
            [event.viewController presentViewController:ageGate animated:YES completion:nil];
            return YES;
        } else {
            return NO;

didClickAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after an ad has been clicked.
  • Parameter Event: A click event with info related to the ad clicked.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad has been clicked. If the click does not result into the opening of a link, an error will be provided explaining why.


  • func didClickAd(_ event: CHBClickEvent, error: CHBClickError?) {
      if error {
            // Handle error
  • - (void)didClickAd:(CHBClickEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBClickError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error

didFinishHandlingClick πŸ”—

  • Description: Called when the link viewer presented as result of an ad click has been dismissed.
  • Parameter Event: A click event with info related to the ad clicked.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad click has been handled. This can mean an in-app web browser or StoreKit rendered ad has been dismissed, or that the user came back to the app after the link was opened on an external application.


  • -void didFinishHandlingClick:(CHBClickEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBClickError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error

didDismissAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after an ad is dismissed.
  • Parameter Event: A dismiss event with info related to the dismissed ad.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad is no longer displayed.


  • func didDismissAd(event: CHBCacheEvent) {
        // Resume processes paused in willShowAd
  • - (void)didDismissAd:(CHBCacheEvent *)event {
       // Resume processes paused in willShowAd:

didRecordImpression πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after an ad has recorded an impression.
  • Parameter Event: An impression event with info related to the visible ad.
  • Discussion: Implement to be notified of when an ad has recorded an impression. This method will be called once a valid impression is recorded after showing the ad.


  • func didRecordImpression(_ event: CHBImpressionEvent){
        // Resume app gameplay state to reflect that the user has watched an ad
  • - (void)didRecordImpression:(CHBImpressionEvent *)event {
        // Resume app gameplay state to reflect that the user has watched an ad

Rewarded video delegate methods: πŸ”—

didCacheAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after a cache call, either if an ad has been loaded from the Chartboost servers and cached, or tried to but failed.
  • Parameter Event: A cache event with info related to the cached ad.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad is ready to be shown after the cache method has been called.


  • func didCacheAd(_ event: CHBCacheEvent, error: CHBCacheError?){
        if (error) {
            // Handle error. Maybe trigger a retry mechanism.
  • - (void)didCacheAd:(CHBCacheEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBCacheError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error. Maybe trigger a retry mechanism.

willShowAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after a showFromViewController: call, right before an ad is presented.
  • Parameter Event: A show event with info related to the ad to be shown.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad is about to be presented.


  • func willShowAd(event: CHBShowEvent){
        // Pause ongoing processes like video or gameplay.
  • - (void) willShowAd:(CHBShowEvent *)event {
        // Pause ongoing processes like video or gameplay.

didShowAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after a showFromViewController: call, either if the ad has been presented and an ad impression logged, or if the operation failed.
  • Parameter Event: A show event with info related to the ad shown.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when the ad presentation process has finished.


  • func didShowAd(event: CHBShowEvent, error: CHBShowError?){
        if error {
            // Handle error, possibly resuming processes paused in willShowAd
  • - (void)didShowAd:(CHBShowEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBShowError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error, possibly resuming processes paused in willShowAd

shouldConfirmClick πŸ”—

  • Description: Called whenever the user clicks an ad to give a chance to the developer to present a confirmation gate before the click is handled.
  • Parameter Event: A click event with info related to the ad clicked.
  • Parameter confirmationHandler: A block to be executed only if the return value is YES. It takes a BOOL parameter that indicates if the confirmation gate was passed or not.
  • Returns:
    • YES, if the handling of the triggering click should be paused for confirmation.
    • NO, if the click should be handled without confirmation.
  • Discussion: If you return YES it is your responsibility to implement a confirmation method that triggers the execution of the confirmationHandler. If this method is not implemented, then clicks will be handled without confirmation.


  • - (BOOL)shouldConfirmClick:(CHBClickEvent *)event confirmationHandler:(void(^)(BOOL))confirmationHandler
        if (self.needsClickConfirmation) {
            MyAwesomeAgeGate *ageGate = [[MyAwesomeAgeGate alloc] initWithCompletion:^(BOOL confirmed) {
                [ageGate dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
            [event.viewController presentViewController:ageGate animated:YES completion:nil];
            return YES;
        } else {
            return NO;

didClickAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after an ad has been clicked.
  • Parameter Event: A click event with info related to the ad clicked.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad has been clicked. If the click does not result into the opening of a link, then an error will be provided explaining why.


  • func didClickAd(_ event: CHBClickEvent, error: CHBClickError?) {
      if error {
            // Handle error
  • - (void)didClickAd:(CHBClickEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBClickError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error

didFinishHandlingClick πŸ”—

  • Description: Called when the link viewer presented, as result of an ad click, has been dismissed.
  • Parameter Event: A click event with info related to the ad clicked.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad click has been handled. This can mean an in-app web browser or StoreKit rendered ad has been dismissed, or that the user came back to the app after the link was opened on an external application.


  • - (void)didFinishHandlingClick:(CHBClickEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBClickError *)error {
       if (error) {
           // Handle error

didDismissAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after an ad is dismissed.
  • Parameter Event: A dismiss event with info related to the dismissed ad.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad is no longer displayed.


  • func didDismissAd(event: CHBCacheEvent) {
        // Resume processes paused in willShowAd
  • - (void)didDismissAd:(CHBCacheEvent *)event {
       // Resume processes paused in willShowAd:

didEarnReward πŸ”—

  • Description: Called when a rewarded ad has completed playing.
  • Parameter Event: A reward event with info related to the ad and the reward.
  • Discussion: Get notified when a reward is earned.


  • func didEarnReward(event: CHBRewardEvent) {
        // Update app internal state to reflect the earned reward
  • - (void)didEarnReward:(CHBRewardEvent *)event {
        // Update app internal state to reflect the earned reward

didRecordImpression πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after an ad has recorded an impression.
  • Parameter Event: An impression event with info related to the visible ad.
  • Discussion: Implement to be notified of when an ad has recorded an impression. This method will be called once a valid impression is recorded after showing the ad.


  • func didRecordImpression(_ event: CHBImpressionEvent){
        // Resume app gameplay state to reflect that the user has watched an ad
  • - (void)didRecordImpression:(CHBImpressionEvent *)event {
        // Resume app gameplay state to reflect that the user has watched an ad

didCacheAd πŸ”—

  • Parameter event: A cache event with info related to the cached ad.
  • Parameter error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad is ready to be shown after the cache method has been called.


  • func didCacheAd(_ event: CHBCacheEvent, error: CHBCacheError?){
        if (error) {
            // Handle error. Maybe trigger a retry mechanism.
  • - (void)didCacheAd:(CHBCacheEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBCacheError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error. Maybe trigger a retry mechanism.

willShowAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after a showFromViewController: call, right before an ad is presented.
  • Parameter Event: A show event with info related to the ad to be shown.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad is about to be presented.


  • func willShowAd(event: CHBShowEvent){
        // Pause ongoing processes like video or gameplay.
  • - (void) willShowAd:(CHBShowEvent *)event {
        // Pause ongoing processes like video or gameplay.

didShowAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after a showFromViewController: call, either if the ad has been presented and an ad impression logged, or if the operation failed.
  • Parameter Event: A show event with info related to the ad shown.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when the ad presentation process has finished.


  • func didShowAd(event: CHBShowEvent, error: CHBShowError?){
        if error {
            // Handle error, possibly resuming processes paused in willShowAd
  • - (void)didShowAd:(CHBShowEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBShowError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error, possibly resuming processes paused in willShowAd

shouldConfirmClick πŸ”—

  • Description: Called whenever the user clicks an ad to give a chance to the developer to present a confirmation gate before the click is handled.
  • Parameter Event: A click event with info related to the ad clicked.
  • Parameter confirmationHandler: A block to be executed only if the return value is YES. It takes a BOOL parameter that indicates if the confirmation gate was passed or not.
  • Returns:
    • YES, if the handling of the triggering click should be paused for confirmation.
    • NO, if the click should be handled without confirmation.
  • Discussion: If you return YES it is your responsibility to implement a confirmation method that triggers the execution of the confirmationHandler. If this method is not implemented, then clicks will be handled without confirmation.


  • - (BOOL)shouldConfirmClick:(CHBClickEvent *)event confirmationHandler:(void(^)(BOOL))confirmationHandler
        if (self.needsClickConfirmation) {
            MyAwesomeAgeGate *ageGate = [[MyAwesomeAgeGate alloc] initWithCompletion:^(BOOL confirmed) {
                [ageGate dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
            [event.viewController presentViewController:ageGate animated:YES completion:nil];
            return YES;
        } else {
            return NO;
    - (void)didClickAd:(CHBClickEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBClickError *)error;

didClickAd πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after an ad has been clicked.
  • Parameter Event: A click event with info related to the ad clicked.
  • Parameter Error: An error specifying the failure reason, or nil if the operation was successful.
  • Discussion: Get notified of when an ad has been clicked. If the click does not result into the opening of a link, then an error will be provided explaining why.


  • func didClickAd(_ event: CHBClickEvent, error: CHBClickError?) {
      if error {
            // Handle error
  • - (void)didClickAd:(CHBClickEvent *)event error:(nullable CHBClickError *)error {
        if (error) {
            // Handle error

didRecordImpression πŸ”—

  • Description: Called after an ad has recorded an impression.
  • Parameter Event: An impression event with info related to the visible ad.
  • Discussion: Implement to be notified of when an ad has recorded an impression. This method will be called once a valid impression is recorded after showing the ad.


  • func didRecordImpression(_ event: CHBImpressionEvent){
        // Resume app gameplay state to reflect that the user has watched an ad
  • - (void)didRecordImpression:(CHBImpressionEvent *)event {
        // Resume app gameplay state to reflect that the user has watched an ad