
Migration from 4.X to 5.X

All code samples are provided in swift unless otherwise noted. The 5.X documentation is effective for v5.0.0. Refer to the main documentation for the most up-to-date information with the latest 5.X version.

New Features for the 5.X Series πŸ”—

Core SDK Required πŸ”—

The Chartboost Mediation 5.X series of SDKs introduces a new architecture centered around the Chartboost Core SDK. By moving the Mediation SDK’s consent duties to the Core SDK, the Mediation SDK is able to more rapidly keep pace with the evolving privacy and consent landscape.

Review the Core SDK integration guide for more information.

Mediation API πŸ”—

The public APIs have been audited so that there is better parity between all of the platforms.

  • The fixed and adapter banner APIs have been merged into a singular API.
  • The fullscreen ads API architecture has been updated to match that of the banner ads API.
  • The old Helium moniker has been rebranded with ChartboostMediation to be consistent with the product’s marketing terms.
  • The ChartboostMediation prefixing has been dropped for brevity. In the event that there is a name collision with another SDK in the Publisher app, using the ChartboostMediation.namespace before the object type will tell Xcode explicitly which object to use.

Classes πŸ”—

Mediation 4.X Mediation 5.X
Helium ChartboostMediation
HeliumAdapterInfo AdapterInfo
HeliumBannerView BannerAdView
HeliumImpressionData ImpressionData
HeliumInitializationOptions PreinitializationOptions
HeliumKeywords Removed, now uses standard Dictionary type

Protocols πŸ”—

Mediation 4.X Mediation 5.X
HeliumBannerAdDelegate BannerAdViewDelegate
HeliumSdkDelegate Removed

Integration πŸ”—

SDK Initialization πŸ”—

Starting with Mediation SDK 5.0.0, the Mediation SDK can only be initialized by Chartboost Core SDK. This architectural change was made so that Core can manage the initialization sequences of the current Mediation SDK and future SDKs on the horizon.

Review the Core SDK integration guide for more information.

Network Killswitch πŸ”—

Since Mediation SDK initialization is now handled by the Core SDK, the network killswitch feature has been moved to the static method ChartboostMediation.setPreinitializationConfiguration() that must be called before Core SDK initialization is initiated.

  • import ChartboostMediationSDK
    // Optionally create an options object the with a list of partner IDs to disable.
    let options = HeliumInitializationOptions(
        skippedPartnerIdentifiers: YOUR_LIST_OF_PARTNER_IDS_TO_SKIP
    // Initialize Chartboost Mediation.
        withAppId: "<YOUR APP ID>",
        options: options,
        delegate: self // optional delegate, can be nil
    // Optionally implement the HeliumSdkDelegate protocol to get notified when
    // Chartboost Mediation is initialized.
    func heliumDidStartWithError(_ error: ChartboostMediationError?) {
        if let error {
            // Handle error
        } else {
            // Success
  • import ChartboostCoreSDK
    import ChartboostMediationSDK
    // Optionally set the Chartboost Mediation preinitialization configuration
    // to disable some mediation partners.
        .init(skippedPartnerIDs: YOUR_LIST_OF_PARTNER_IDS_TO_SKIP)
    // Create a consent module instance, e.g. Usercentrics
    let usercentrics = UsercentricsAdapter(
        options: .init(settingsId: "<YOUR USECENTRICS SETTINGS ID>")
    // Initialize Core.
    // This automatically initializes the Chartboost Mediation SDK, as well as other
    // modules included in the `modules` array.
    // Make sure to include your consent module in this array.
        configuration: .init(chartboostAppID: "<YOUR APP ID>"),
        modules: [usercentrics],
        moduleObserver: self  // optional observer, can be nil
    // Optionally implement the ModuleObserver protocol to get notified when some
    // particular module is initialized (e.g. Chartboost Mediation).
    func onModuleInitializationCompleted(_ result: ModuleInitializationResult) {
        if result.module.moduleID == ChartboostMediation.coreModuleID {
            if let error = result.error {
                // Handle error
            } else {
                // Success

All privacy and consent related APIs have been removed from the Mediation 5.X SDK and will be handled by the Core SDK.

The Mediation SDK will continue to utilize the TCFv2 string as part of auction requests, and will forward consent changes to the partner adapters. For partners that utilize complex non-IAB compliant privacy and consent signals that cannot be extrapolated from Core SDK consent signals, last resort APIs will be exposed via that partner adapter’s AdapterConfiguration class and must be directly set on the adapter configuration.

For more information on supported Consent Mediation Platforms and their integration, review the Core SDK integration guide.

HyprMX πŸ”—

import ChartboostMediationAdapterHyprMX

// Set consent status directly on the adapter configuration

Pangle πŸ”—

import ChartboostMediationAdapterPangle

// Set consent status directly on the adapter configuration

UnityAds πŸ”—

import ChartboostMediationAdapterUnity

// Set consent status directly on the adapter configuration

Vungle πŸ”—

// Demonstrate setting the consent related APIs

// Set consent status directly on the adapter configuration

Publisher Metadata πŸ”—

Publisher-specified data used to improve auction requests have been moved to the Core SDK, and will still be available to the Mediation 5.X auction requests.

Mediation 4.X Mediation 5.X
Helium.userIdentifier ChartboostCore.publisherMetadata.setPlayerIdentifier()
Helium.setGameEngineName(_, version:) ChartboostCore.publisherMetadata.setFramework(name:, version:)
Helium.setSubjectToCoppa() ChartboostCore.publisherMetadata.setIsUserUnderage()

Adaptive Banner Ads πŸ”—

The changes to the adaptive banner ads APIs revolved around naming convention parity.

  • import ChartboostMediationSDK
    // Create the banner ad instance
    let bannerAd = ChartboostMediationBannerView()
    // Create the load request
    let request = ChartboostMediationBannerLoadRequest(
        placement: "YOUR_MEDIATION_PLACEMENT",
        size: .adaptive(width: SOME_WIDTH)  // see BannerSize for other options
    // Load the ad with the request
    bannerAd.load(with: request, viewController: self) { result in
        if let error = result.error {
            // Handle error
        } else {
            // Success
  • import ChartboostMediationSDK
    // Create the banner ad instance
    let bannerAd = BannerAdView()
    // Create the load request
    let request = BannerAdLoadRequest(
        placement: "YOUR_MEDIATION_PLACEMENT",
        size: .adaptive(width: SOME_WIDTH)  // see BannerSize for other options
    // Load the ad with the request
    bannerAd.load(with: request, viewController: self) { result in
        if let error = result.error {
            // Handle error
        } else {
            // Success

Resizing adaptive banner πŸ”—

The changes to resizing adaptive banner ads APIs revolved around naming convention parity.

  • func willAppear(bannerView: ChartboostMediationBannerView) {
    // Manual layout
    bannerView.frame.size = bannerView.size?.size ?? .zero
    // The alignment of the ad can be changed if the frame of the bannerView is larger than the ad.
    bannerView.horizontalAlignment = .left
    bannerView.verticalAlignment = .top
        // Auto-layout will automatically resize the bannerView based on the set constraints.
  • func willAppear(bannerView: ChartboostMediationBannerView) {
    // Manual layout
        @@ -194,141 +215,31 @@ bannerView.verticalAlignment = .top
        // Auto-layout will automatically resize the bannerView based on the set constraints.

Fixed Banner Ads πŸ”—

The fixed banner APIs have been deprecated and removed. To create and load fixed banners in the 5.X series, use the new banner APIs with a fixed size.

  • import ChartboostMediationSDK
    // Create the banner ad instance with the desired fixed size
    // Fixed 320x50 standard banner
    let bannerAd = Helium.shared().bannerProvider(
        with: self,
        andPlacementName: "YOUR_MEDIATION_PLACEMENT",
        andSize: .standard
    // Fixed 300x250 medium rectangle banner
    // let bannerAd = Helium.shared().bannerProvider(
    //     with: self,
    //     andPlacementName: "YOUR_MEDIATION_PLACEMENT",
    //     andSize: .medium
    // )
    // Fixed 720x90 leaderboard banner
    // let bannerAd = Helium.shared().bannerProvider(
    //     with: self,
    //     andPlacementName: "YOUR_MEDIATION_PLACEMENT",
    //     andSize: .leaderboard
    // )
    // Load the ad
    bannerAd.load(with: self)
  • import ChartboostMediationSDK
    // Create the banner ad instance
    let bannerAd = BannerAdView()
    // Create the load request with the desired fixed size
    // Fixed 320x50 standard banner
    let request = BannerAdLoadRequest(
        placement: "YOUR_MEDIATION_PLACEMENT",
        size: .standard
    // Fixed 300x250 medium rectangle banner
    // let request = BannerAdLoadRequest(
    //     placement: "YOUR_MEDIATION_PLACEMENT",
    //     size: .medium
    // )
    // Fixed 720x90 leaderboard banner
    // let request = BannerAdLoadRequest(
    //     placement: "YOUR_MEDIATION_PLACEMENT",
    //     size: .leaderboard
    // )
    // Load the ad with the request
    bannerAd.load(with: request, viewController: self) { result in
        if let error = result.error {
            // Handle error
        } else {
            // Success

Fullscreen Ads πŸ”—

The changes to the fullscreen ads APIs revolved around naming convention parity and architectural alignment with the banner ads APIs.

  • import ChartboostMediationSDK
    // Interstitial Ads
    // Create the load request
    let request = ChartboostMediationAdLoadRequest(
    // Load the ad with the request
    Helium.shared().loadFullscreenAd(with: request) { result in
        if let error = result.error {
            // Handle error
        } else {
            // Success
    // Rewarded Ads
    // Create the load request
    let request = ChartboostMediationAdLoadRequest(
    // Load the ad with the request
    Helium.shared().loadFullscreenAd(with: request) { result in
        if let error = result.error {
            // Handle error
        } else {
            // Success
  • import ChartboostMediationSDK
    // Fullscreen Ads
    // Create the load request
    let request = FullscreenAdLoadRequest(
    // Load the ad with the request
    FullscreenAd.load(with: request) { result in
        if let error = result.error {
            // Handle error
        } else if let ad = {
            // Success
           ad.customData = "Y3VzdG9tIGRhdGE=" // base 64 encoded string for rewarded fullscreen ads
        } else {
            // Handle no ad error

Clearing Loaded Ads πŸ”—

The changes to clearing loaded ads revolved around naming convention parity and architectural alignment with the banner ads APIs.

  • // Clearing Interstitial and Rewarded Ads
    // Clearing Banner Ads
  • FullscreenAd.invalidate()

Winning Bid Information πŸ”—

The keys used to retrieve information from the dictionary have been normalized to use underscores instead of hyphens.

Mediation 4.X Mediation 5.X
auction-id auction_id
partner-id partner_id
price price
line_item_id line_item_id
line_item_name line_item_name

Configure Mediation πŸ”—

Test Mode πŸ”—

The changes to test mode revolved around naming convention parity.

  • Add the environment variable `HELIUM_TEST_MODE` in your app’s scheme and set it to `on` or `off`.
  • // For swift, set to true or false
    ChartboostMediation.isTestModeEnabled = true
    // For Objective-C, set to 'TRUE'/'FALSE' or 'YES'/'NO'
    ChartboostMediation.isTestModeEnabled = TRUE;

Privacy Methods πŸ”—

All privacy methods have been removed from 5.X and migrated to Chartboost Core SDK.

  • // COPPA
    // or
    [[Helium sharedHelium] setSubjectToCoppa:YES];
    // or
    [[Helium sharedHelium] setSubjectToCoppa:NO];
    //- By sending `setSubjectToCoppa(true)`/`setSubjectToCoppa (YES)` you indicate that you want your content treated as child-directed for purposes of COPPA. We will take steps to disable interest-based advertising for such ad requests.
    //- By sending `setSubjectToCoppa(false)`/`setSubjectToCoppa (NO)`, you indicate that you don't want your content treated as child-directed for purposes of COPPA. You represent and warrant that your applications and services are not directed towards children and that you will not provide any information to Mediation from a user under the age of 13.
    // GDPR
    // or
    [[Helium sharedHelium] setSubjectToGDPR:YES];
    // or
    [[Helium sharedHelium] setSubjectToGDPR:NO];
    //- By sending `setSubjectToGDPR(true)`/`setSubjectToGDPR (YES)`, you indicate that GDPR is applied to this user from your application.
    //- By sending `setSubjectToGDPR(false)`/`setSubjectToGDPR (NO)`, you indicate that GDPR is not applied to this user from your application. 
    // User Given Consent
    // or
    [[Helium sharedHelium] setUserHasGivenConsent:YES];
    // or
    [[Helium sharedHelium] setUserHasGivenConsent:NO];
    //- By sending `setUserHasGivenConsent(true)`/`setUserHasGivenConsent (YES)`, you indicate that this user from your application has given consent to share personal data for behavior-targeted advertising.
    //- By sending `setUserHasGivenConsent(false)`/`setUserHasGivenConsent (NO)`, you indicate that this user from your application has not given consent to use its personal data for behavior-targeted advertising, so only contextual advertising is allowed.
    // or
    [[Helium sharedHelium] setCCPAConsent:YES];
    // or
    [[Helium sharedHelium] setCCPAConsent:NO];
    //- By sending `setCCPAConsent(true)`/`setCCPAConsent (YES)`, you indicate that this user from your application has given consent to share personal data for behavior-targeted advertising under CCPA regulation.
    //- By sending `setCCPAConsent(false)`/`setCCPAConsent (NO)`, you indicate that this user from your application has not given consent to allow sharing personal data for behavior-targeted advertising under CCPA regulation. 

Keywords πŸ”—

The changes to keywords revolved around naming convention parity and architectural alignment with the banner ads APIs.

  • let interstitial = Helium.shared().interstitialAdProvider(with: self, andPlacementName: "placement")
    let rewarded = Helium.shared().rewardedAdProvider(with: self, andPlacementName: "placement")
    let banner = Helium.shared().bannerProvider(with: self, andPlacementName: "placement", andSize: .standard)
    // Setting Keyword
    // (The set method returns a boolean whether or not if the keyword has been successfully set)
    let success = interstitial?.keywords?.set(keyword: "i12_keyword1", value: "i12_value1") ?? false
    if (!success) {
        // Failed to set keyword
    let success = rewarded?.keywords?.set(keyword: "rwd_keyword1", value: "rwd_value1") ?? false
    if (!success) {
        // Failed to set keyword
    let success = banner?.keywords?.set(keyword: "bnr_keyword1", value: "bnr_value1") ?? false
    if (!success) {
        // Failed to set keyword
    // Remove Custom Keyword (The remove method returns the value of the key removed)
    let removedi12KeywordValue = interstitial?.keywords?.remove(keyword:"i12_keyword1");
    let removedRewardedKeywordValue = interstitial?.keywords?.remove(keyword: "rwd_keyword1");
    let removedBannerKeywordValue = interstitial?.keywords?.remove(keyword: "bnr_keyword1");
  • // Set Keywords
    // Banner Ads
    let banner = BannerAdView()
    banner.keywords = ["keyword1": "value1"]
    // Fullscreen Ads
        with: .init(
            placement: "placement",
            keywords: ["keyword1": "value1"], // set the whole dictionary
            partnerSettings: nil
    ) { result in
        // handle result
    // Remove Keywords
    let banner = BannerAdView()
    banner.keywords = nil // remove the whole dictionary

Setting User Identifier πŸ”—

The user identifier property is now configured with the Chartboost Core SDK.

  • Helium.shared().userIdentifier = "user"
  • ChartboostCore.publisherMetadata.setPlayerID("player_id")

Setting Custom Data πŸ”—

HeliumRewardedAd no longer exists in 5.X and is replaced with FullscreenAd to align with the banner ads APIs.

  • let rewardedAd = Helium.shared().rewardedAdProvider(with: self, andPlacementName: "placement")
    // load ad
    let customData = "custom data".data(using: .utf8)
    let base64CustomData = customData?.base64EncodedString()
    rewardedAd?.customData = base64CustomData
    // show ad
  • let fullscreenAd: FullscreenAd = ... // obtain the ad with a load request
    fullscreenAd.customData = "Y3VzdG9tIGRhdGE=" // base 64 encoded string

Implementation πŸ”—

The changes to implementation revolved around naming convention parity.

  • public class HeliumImpressionData: NSObject {
      // The placement associated with Impression Level Revenue Data.
      let placement: String
      // The Impression Level Revenue Data JSON.
      let jsonData: [String : Any]
  • public class ImpressionData: NSObject {
      // The placement associated with Impression Level Revenue Data.
      let placement: String
      // The Impression Level Revenue Data JSON.
      let jsonData: [String : Any]

Usage Example

  • NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
        selector: #selector(didReceiveILRDNotification),
        name: .heliumDidReceiveILRD,
        object: nil
    @objc func didReceiveILRDNotification(notification: Notification) {
        // Extract the ILRD payload.
        guard let ilrd = notification.object as? HeliumImpressionData else {
        // Placement name
        let placement = ilrd.placement
        // JSON
        let json = ilrd.jsonData
  • NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
        selector: #selector(didReceiveILRDNotification),
        name: .chartboostMediationDidReceiveILRD,
        object: nil
    @objc func didReceiveILRDNotification(notification: Notification) {
        // Extract the ILRD payload.
        guard let ilrd = notification.object as? ImpressionData else {
        // Placement name
        let placement = ilrd.placement
        // JSON
        let json = ilrd.jsonData

Delegate Usage πŸ”—

Mediation Start / Module Observer πŸ”—

Initialization of the Mediation SDK is now done by the Chartboost Core SDK. To receive initialization callbacks, utilize the module observer.

  • extension AppDelegate: HeliumSdkDelegate {
        func heliumDidStartWithError(_ error: ChartboostMediationSDK.ChartboostMediationError?) {
            if let error = error {
                print("Chartboost Mediation did not start due to error: \(error)")
            } else {
                print("Chartboost Mediation Started Successfully")
  • extension ChartboostMediationController: ModuleObserver {
        func onModuleInitializationCompleted(_ result: ModuleInitializationResult) {
            // Chartboost Mediation SDK initialization result is represented by the initialization result of
            // an internal module with module ID `ChartboostMediation.coreModuleID`.
            let moduleName = (result.moduleID == ChartboostMediation.coreModuleID ?
                              "Chartboost Mediation" : "Chartboost Core module \(result.moduleID)")
            if let error = result.error {
                print("[Error] \(moduleName) initialization failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
                initializationResult = .failure(error)
            } else {
                print("[Success] \(moduleName) initialization succeeded")
                initializationResult = .success(true)

Interstitial Ad Delegate πŸ”—

  • extension ViewController: CHBHeliumInterstitialAdDelegate {
        func heliumInterstitialAd(
            withPlacementName placementName: String,
            requestIdentifier: String,
            winningBidInfo: [String : Any]?,
            didLoadWithError error: ChartboostMediationSDK.ChartboostMediationError?
        ) {
            if let error = error {
                print("Interstitial with Placement Name:\(placementName) failed to load with error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                print("Interstitial with Placement Name:\(placementName) didLoad")
        func heliumInterstitialAd(
            withPlacementName placementName: String,
            didShowWithError error: ChartboostMediationSDK.ChartboostMediationError?
        ) {
            if let error = error {
                print("Interstitial with Placement Name:\(placementName) failed to show with error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                print("Interstitial with Placement Name:\(placementName) didShow")
        func heliumInterstitialAd(
            withPlacementName placementName: String,
            didCloseWithError error: ChartboostMediationSDK.ChartboostMediationError?
        ) {
            if let error = error {
                print("Interstitial with Placement Name:\(placementName) failed to close with error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                print("Interstitial with Placement Name:\(placementName) didClose")
        func heliumInterstitialAdDidRecordImpression(withPlacementName placementName: String) {
            print("Impression recorded")
  • extension FullscreenAdController: FullscreenAdDelegate {
        func didRecordImpression(ad: FullscreenAd) {
            log(action: "record impression", placementName: placementName, error: nil)
        func didClick(ad: FullscreenAd) {
            log(action: "click", placementName: placementName, error: nil)
        func didReward(ad: FullscreenAd) {
            log(action: "get reward", placementName: placementName, error: nil)
        func didClose(ad: FullscreenAd, error: ChartboostMediationError?) {
            log(action: "close", placementName: placementName, error: error)
        func didExpire(ad: FullscreenAd) {
            log(action: "expire", placementName: placementName, error: nil)
  • extension ViewController: HeliumBannerAdDelegate {
        func heliumBannerAd(
            placementName: String,
            requestIdentifier: String,
            winningBidInfo: [String : Any]?,
            didLoadWithError error: ChartboostMediationSDK.ChartboostMediationError?
        ) {
            if let error = error {
                print("Banner with Placement Name:\(placementName) failed to load with error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                print("Banner with Placement Name:\(placementName) didLoad")
        func heliumBannerAd(
            placementName: String,
            didClickWithError error: ChartboostMediationError?
        ) {
            if let error = error {
                print("Banner with Placement Name:\(placementName) didClick with error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                print("Banner with Placement Name:\(placementName) didClick")
        func heliumBannerAdDidRecordImpression(placementName: String) {
            print("Impression recorded")
  • extension BannerAdController: BannerAdViewDelegate {
        func willAppear(bannerView: BannerAdView) {
            // Called when a new ad is about to appear inside of `bannerView`. This method can be used
            // to manually size `bannerView` if desired:
            // if let size = bannerView.size?.size {
            //     bannerView.frame.size = size
            // }
            // This method can also be used to check other updated properties of `bannerView`.

Rewarded Ad Delegates πŸ”—

Rewarded ad delegates are no longer available for 5.X.

  • // Implement the `CHBHeliumRewardedAdDelegate` protocol to receive notifications about rewarded ads loading, displaying, and closing.
    @interface ViewController () <CHBHeliumRewardedAdDelegate>
    // This will allow you to implement the following methods:
    func heliumRewardedAd(
            withPlacementName placementName: String,
            requestIdentifier: String,
            winningBidInfo: [String : Any]?,
            didLoadWithError error: ChartboostMediationSDK.ChartboostMediationError?
        ) {
            if let error = error {
                print("Rewarded with Placement Name:\(placementName) failed to load with error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                print("Rewarded with Placement Name:\(placementName) didLoad")
        func heliumRewardedAd(
            withPlacementName placementName: String,
            didShowWithError error: ChartboostMediationSDK.ChartboostMediationError?
        ) {
            if let error = error {
                print("Rewarded with Placement Name:\(placementName) failed to show with error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                print("Rewarded with Placement Name:\(placementName) didShow")
        func heliumRewardedAd(
            withPlacementName placementName: String,
            didCloseWithError error: ChartboostMediationSDK.ChartboostMediationError?
        ) {
            if let error = error {
                print("Rewarded with Placement Name:\(placementName) failed to close with error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
                print("Rewarded with Placement Name:\(placementName) didClose")
        func heliumRewardedAdDidGetReward(withPlacementName placementName: String) {
            print("Got Reward for RV with placementName:\(placementName)")
        func heliumRewardedAdDidRecordImpression(withPlacementName placementName: String) {
            print("Impression recorded")

Error Codes πŸ”—

5.X will continue to use codes from 4.X with minor changes in the descriptions. Any new error codes introduced in 5.X will follow the same naming convention.