Initialize Mediation

Adding the Import Header πŸ”—

Add the following import header to the top of any class file that will be using a Mediation class:

using Chartboost;

Initializing Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK πŸ”—

In order to initialize the Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK, you will need your Chartboost Mediation App ID & App Signature. This can be obtained in your Chartboost Mediation Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Mediation > Apps > Overview.
  2. Select the app.
  3. The Helium App ID is the App ID. The Helium Signature is the App Signature.

There are two ways you can go about providing your App IDs to the SDK.

Chartboost Mediation Settings and Automatic Initialization πŸ”—

Chartboost Mediation Settings πŸ”—

Starting Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK 4.4.0, we have introduced a simple Editor Window to modify your Chartboost Mediation settings. The window can be accessed by opening Chartboost Mediation/Configure.

Chartboost Mediation Settings

AppID & AppSignature πŸ”—

The Chartboost Mediation SDK AppId and AppSignature can be set in the Editor Window, or through the available C# API as seen below:

// Android
ChartboostMediationSettings.AndroidAppId = "YOUR_APPID";
ChartboostMediationSettings.AndroidAppSignature = "YOUR_APPSIGNATURE";

// IOS
ChartboostMediationSettings.IOSAppId = "YOUR_APPID";
ChartboostMediationSettings.IOSAppSignature = "YOUR_APPSIGNATURE";

var activePlatformAppId = ChartboostMediationSettings.AppId;
var activePlatformAppSignature = ChartboostMediationSettings.AppSignature;

Note that these fields are required when calling ChartboostMediation.StartWithOptions. We provide this as an easy way to store and access such values.

SDK Debugging πŸ”—

To enable SDK debugging toggle the field on the SettingsWindow or use the provided C# API as seen below:

// enabled
ChartboostMediationSettings.IsLoggingEnabled = true;

// disabled (default state)
ChartboostMediationSettings.IsLoggingEnabled = false;

Automatic Initialization πŸ”—

To enable Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK automatic SDK, toggle the field on the SettingsWindow or use the provided C# API as seen below:

// enabled
ChartboostMediationSettings.IsAutomaticInitializationEnabled = true;

// disabled (default state)
ChartboostMediationSettings.IsAutomaticInitializationEnabled = false;

Build-Processing Tools πŸ”—

Starting Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK 4.4.0, we have introduced a set of build pre-processor and post-processor tools to help you ensure your integration has all the required fields or modifications needed for proper partner functionality.

Google App Id πŸ”—

Android πŸ”—

The value provided in the Google App Id field will be utilized by the ChartboostMediationPreprocessor to modify your AndroidManifest.xml to ensure the exists. If the element cannot be found, the preprocessor will add it.

To enable this feature, toggle the field on the SettingsWindow or use the provided C# API as seen below:

ChartboostMediationSettings.AndroidGoogleAppId = "ca-app-pub-...YOUR_ID_HERE";
iOS πŸ”—

The value provided in the Google App Id field will be utilized by the ChartboostMediationPostprocessor to modify your XCode project’s Info.plist to ensure the GADApplicationIdentifier exists. If the element cannot be found, then the postprocessor will add it.

To enable this feature, toggle the field on the SettingsWindow or use the provided C# API as seen below:

ChartboostMediationSettings.IOSGoogleAppId = "ca-app-pub-...YOUR_ID_HERE";

AppLovin SDK Key πŸ”—

The value provided in the AppLovin SDK Key field will be utilized by the ChartboostMediationPreprocessor to modify your AndroidManifest.xml to ensure the applovin.sdk.key exists. If the element cannot be found, the preprocessor will add it.

To enable this feature, toggle the field on the SettingsWindow or use the provided C# API as seen below:

ChartboostMediationSettings.AppLovinSDKKey = "YOUR_APPLOVIN_SDK_KEY";

SKAdNetwork Resolution πŸ”—

To add SKAdNetworks in your app, add the SKAdNetworkIdentifier and their values in your app’s Info.plist file. This process can be manually controlled by you, however, after Chartboost Mediation 4.0.0, we have added a postprocessor to handle this process automatically if needed.

To enable this feature, toggle the field on the SettingsWindow or use the provided C# API as seen below:

// enabled
ChartboostMediationSettings.IsSkAdNetworkResolutionEnabled = true;

// disabled (default state)
ChartboostMediationSettings.IsSkAdNetworkResolutionEnabled = false;

Disable Bitcode πŸ”—

Starting XCode 14, bitcode has been deprecated. For more information, visit Apple’s official documentation. We have included a setting to modify the BITCODE_ENABLE flag into your XCode project.

To enable this feature, toggle the field on the SettingsWindow or use the provided C# API as seen below:

// enabled
ChartboostMediationSettings.DisableBitcode = true;

// disabled (default state)
ChartboostMediationSettings.DisableBitcode = false;

Manual Initialization πŸ”—

If you want more control over when to initialize the Chartboost Mediation SDK, you can call the following on your Awake method.

Remember to add your Chartboost Mediation App ID and App Signature.

// New Manual Initialization after 4.1.0
ChartboostMediation.StartWithOptions(ChartboostMediationSettings.AppId, ChartboostMediationSettings.AppSignature);

// Old Style of Manual Initialization Not Using ChartboostMediationSettings Scritable Object
var appId = "";
var appSignature = "";


ChartboostMediation.StartWithOptions(appID, appSignature);

This will start the Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK. See Delegate Usage for more information.

Once the Chartboost Mediation SDK has successfully started, you can start requesting ads.

Network Kill Switch πŸ”—

The Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK initialization method has been expanded to take in optional initialization parameters. One of those parameters is a set of network adapter identifiers to skip initialization for the session.

var options = new[]{"network_identifier", "network_identifier2"};
ChartboostMediation.StartWithOptions(ChartboostMediationSettings.AppId, ChartboostMediationSettings.AppSignature, options);

For more information on how to corroborate partner initialization data, see Delegate Usage.

Network Adapter Identifiers πŸ”—

Network Identifier
AdMob admob
Amazon Publisher Services amazon_aps
AppLovin applovin
BidMachine bidmachine
Meta Audience Network facebook
Digital Turbine Exchange fyber
Google Bidding google_googlebidding
InMobi inmobi
IronSource ironsource
Mintegral mintegral
Pangle pangle
Unity unity
Vungle vungle
MobileFuse mobilefuse
Verve verve
HyprMX hyprmx