Kochava - S2S Tracking

To set up install attribution and bootup/session postbacks in the Kochava dashboard:

  1. Add an app to the Kochava dashboard, then navigate to the App tools dropdown and select Postback Configuration.
  2. Click Add a configuration.
  3. On the New Configuration page, search for Chartboost and select either Chartboost - Android or Chartboost - iOS from the dropdown. Do not use Chartboost - Legacy.

  4. Add your app’s Chartboost app ID and app signature to the corresponding fields.

  5. Check the Send Attributed To checkbox and choose All in the Delivery Method dropdown. Click Save.

  6. Once the postback has been saved, you will see a green icon next to the Install postback confirming that the postback has been set up properly.

  7. Almost done! Now request S2S tracking from the Chartboost dashboard.

Learn more about Kochava-Certified Postbacks

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