Setting Up Chartboost MRAID Playable

Upload, Name, and Visualize your MRAID Playable 🔗

There are two ways you can use a playable in your ad campaigns.

  1. As a playable ad
  2. As a playable end card that displays after a video ad

See Creative Assets for more information on how to upload those specific playables in your Chartboost platform.

Testing your MRAID Playable 🔗

Resize your MRAID Playable

  • You can preview different resolutions by clicking Change to tablet/phone view.
  • You can rotate your playable to portrait or landscape mode by clicking the Rotate phone view.

Test your Close button

  • Click on the close button which will appear on the top left corner of your playable.
  • You can confirm the status of your close call when the status icon changes to a green check mark next to MRAID Close Call.

Test your Call To Action button

  • You can test whether your playable redirects to the store correctly by clicking the download or install button.
  • You can confirm the status of your click when the status icon changes to a green check mark next to MRAID Open Call.
  • If the click in the CTA button was not registered, check if you are using the method This method needs to be called when the user clicks on a CTA.

You can test your playable as many times as you wish by clicking the Restart playable button. To re-upload your playable HTML file, click on the displayed file name and upload your new playable.

When all test parameters have successfully been checked, click Upload Playable to complete the process.

Playable Review Process 🔗

Every playable uploaded into the platform must be approved by the Chartboost team. We will test your playable to ensure it works well on different SDK versions and device models. It usually takes up to 48 business hours to have your playable reviewed.

Review Process:

  • When your playable is uploaded it will automatically enter our review queue. At this time your playable will not be listed as an option to be added to a campaign.
  • Once your playable is approved, it will be selectable in the advertising campaign.
  • If your playable didn’t pass review, then you will receive an email from the Chartboost team with details on what went wrong and potential steps to reproduce and fix the issue.
  • Rejected playables will be removed from our system and your platform within 30 days from the rejection date.

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