Digital Turbine Exchange (Formerly: Fyber)
Mediation Support
❌ Bidding
✅ Waterfall
Ad Formats Supported
- Banner
- Rewarded Video
- Interstitial
Connecting Digital Turbine Exchange’s waterfall network to Chartboost Mediation 🔗
Create a Digital Turbine Exchange account 🔗
- Create an account with Digital Turbine Exchange.
- Once your account is verified, log in to Digital Turbine Exchange’s console.
Add an app to your Digital Turbine Exchange console 🔗
App(s) must be set up on your Digital Turbine Exchange account before connecting the to Chartboost Mediation because each ad placement is specific to an app.
- Navigate to Monetization > App Management.
- Click Add App.
- Find your app in the Google Play or Apple App Store by searching with app name, developer name or bundle ID.
- Select the placement type. Chartboost supports rewarded, interstitial, and banner placements with Digital Turbine Exchange.
- Confirm the target audience statement.
- Click Create App.
- You will need the App ID to connect with Chartboost Mediation.
Retrieve your Digital Turbine Exchange credentials 🔗
There are 4 pieces of data from your Digital Turbine Exchange account required to connect with Chartboost Mediation:
- To find the Publisher ID, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, navigate to your account’s User Profile. Scroll down to the Basic Reporting API - Credentials section.
- To find the App ID, navigate to Monetization > App Management. Find the app and the information will be listed in the App ID column.
Connect Digital Turbine Exchange to Chartboost Mediation 🔗
- Log in to your Chartboost platform.
- Navigate to Mediation > Networks.
- Under Mediation Networks, select Digital Turbine from the Select network dropdown.
- Enter the Publisher ID, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and App ID.
- Click the + button next to the Digital Turbine Exchange button.
Set up Ad Placements 🔗
Create a Digital Turbine Exchange Ad placement 🔗
- Log into your Digital Turbine Exchange’s console.
- Navigate to Mediation > App Management.
- Select the app.
- You will need the placement ID. Click the copy icon next to the Placement Name to get the placement ID.
Add the Digital Turbine Exchange ad placement to Chartboost Mediation 🔗
- Log into Charboost platform and navigate to Mediation > Placements.
- Select the app from the top-right dropdown.
- Below your metrics graph, click New Placement.
- Select an Ad Format.
- Set an Ad Placement Name.
- Under Waterfall > Ad Groups, click Add.
- Select from existing or Create a new Ad Group.
- Set a Name and Country List.
- Click Add New Line Item.
- Select Digital Turbine as the Network.
- Add the Placement Name to the Name field.
- Paste the Placement ID to the Partner Placement Name.
- Set a CPM.
- Make sure Add to Ad Group is selected.
- Click Create New.
- A new line item will be added. Make sure the line item’s Add to Ad Group checkbox is selected and click +Add Selected Items on the bottom right.
Integrate the Digital Turbine Exchange adapter 🔗
Refer to our Chartboost Mediation Adapter Integration Manager for the latest supported adapter version and integration instructions.