
Unity Banner Ad

The UnityBannerAd is a specialized banner API that functions as a MonoBehaviour, allowing it to be attached directly to a Unity GameObject. This integration enables utilizing UnityBannerAd similarly to other GameObjects within Unity, providing a seamless way to load and display banner ads directly within the game environment.

BannerAdLoadRequest πŸ”—

BannerAdLoadRequest objects contains publisher provided configurations for UnityBannerAd objects. It is used when calling UnityBannerAd.Load(loadRequest), as seen in the examples below:

// Determine the maximum size to load using width and height
BannerSize size = BannerSize.Adaptive(100, 100);
BannerAdLoadRequest loadRequest = new BannerAdLoadRequest("BANNER_PLACEMENT_NAME", size);

Keywords πŸ”—

Keywords are set after obtaining the UnityBannerAdobject when calling ChartboostMediation.GetUnityBannerAd. To remove keywords, pass a new set without those keywords. The list will be overridden. This is to facilitate the wrapping process between Unity and native platforms.

// Keywords to pass for unity banner ad
var keywords = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "key", "value" },
    { "key_2", "value_2" }

// Get UnityBannerAd
var canvas = FindObjectOfType<Canvas>(); 
UnityBannerAd unityBannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetUnityBannerAd("PLACEMENT_NAME", canvas.transform);

// Set keywords
unityBannerAd.Keywords = keywords;

Using UnityBannerAd objects πŸ”—

To create this gameobject, right-click in the hierarchy window and select Chartboost Mediation/UnityBannerAd. create-unity-banner-ad

Loading UnityBannerAd Objects πŸ”—

// Get reference to `UnityBannerAd` from scene
public UnityBannerAd unityBannerAd;

// Or create one at runtime
var unityBannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetUnityBannerAd("PLACEMENT_NAME", FindObjectOfType<Canvas>().transform);

// Place this at the top-right corner of screen
unityBannerAd.transform.position = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
unityBannerAd.GetComponent<RectTransform>().pivot = new Vector2(1, 1);

// Set callbacks
unityBannerAd.WillAppear += ad => Debug.Log($"UnityBannerAd: {ad.LoadId} will appear.");
unityBannerAd.DidClick += ad => Debug.Log($"UnityBannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was clicked.");
unityBannerAd.DidDrag += (ad,x,y) => Debug.Log($"UnityBannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was dragged x:{x}/y:{y}.");
unityBannerAd.DidRecordImpression += ad => Debug.Log($"UnityBannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was clicked.");

// Load with this gameobject's rect size as request size for banner
var loadResult = await unityBannerAd.Load();

// Or use a custom load request

// Create load request
var loadRequest = new BannerAdLoadRequest(
    BannerSize.Adaptive6X1(100)    // This can be any other size or the old non-adaptive size like `BannerSize.Standard`
var loadResult = await unityBannerAd.Load(loadRequest);
    // loaded successfully

Loading in async Context πŸ”—

// Load the banner ad with our previously configured load request
BannerAdLoadResult loadResult = await unityBannerAd.Load(loadRequest);
    // report load error
// loaded successfully

Loading in sync Context πŸ”—

A lot of APIs provided in the Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK utilize the async/await C# implementation. It is possible to call the following code from a sync context where async/await might not be supported:

// Show `UnityBannerAd` using async approach
unityBannerAd.Load(loadRequest).ContinueWithOnMainThread(continuation =>
    loadResult = continuation.Result;

BannerAdLoadResult πŸ”—

BannerAdLoadResult contains information regarding the load for UnityBannerAd objects. Its result can be used as seen below:

// Check if UnityBannerAd failed to load
var error = adShowResult.Error;

// Failed to load
if (error.HasValue)
    // Report load failure
    Debug.LogError($"`UnityBannerAd` Load failed with error: {JsonTools.SerializeObject(error.Value, Formatting.Indented)}");

// Load succeeded

// Report metrics and show success
var loadId = loadResult.LoadId;
var metricsJson = JsonTools.SerializeObject(loadResult.Metrics, Formatting.Indented);
var winningBidInfo = JsonTools.SerializeObject(loadResult.WinningBidInfo, Formatting.Indented);
Debug.Log($"`UnityBannerAd` loaded successfully with:\n" +
          $"LoadId: {loadId}\n" +
          $"Metrics: {metricsJson}\n" +
          $"Winning Bid Info: {winningBidInfo}");

Dispose πŸ”—

You can free up resources directly by calling the unity method Destroy.

// Get reference to `UnityBannerAd` from scene
public UnityBannerAd unityBannerAd;

// Do what we need to do with our UnityBannerAd

// Free up resources