
Migration from 4.X to 5.X

All code samples are provided in C# unless otherwise noted. The 5.X documentation is effective for v5.0.0. Refer to the main documentation for the most up-to-date information with the latest 5.X version.

New Features for the 5.X Series πŸ”—

Chartboost Core SDK Required πŸ”—

The Chartboost Mediation 5.X series of SDKs introduces a new architecture centered around the Chartboost Core SDK. By moving the Mediation SDK’s consent duties to the Core SDK, the Mediation SDK is able to more rapidly keep pace with the evolving privacy and consent landscape.

Review the Core SDK integration guide for more information.

Chartboost Mediation API πŸ”—

The public APIs have been audited so that there is better parity between all of the platforms.

  • The fixed and adapter banner APIs have been merged into a singular API.
  • The fullscreen ads API architecture has been updated to match that of the banner ads API.
  • The ChartboostMediation prefixing has been dropped in most APIs for brevity.

Classes πŸ”—

Mediation 4.X Mediation 5.X
ChartboostMediation ChartboostMediation
ChartboostMediationInterstitialAd Removed
ChartboostMediationRewardedAd Removed
ChartboostMediationBannerAd Removed
IChartboostMediationBannerView IBannerAd
ChartboostMediationUnityBannerAd UnityBannerAd
IChartboostMediationFullscreenAd IFullscreenAd
ChartboostMediationFullscreenAdQueue IFullscreenAdQueue
ChartboostMediationAdapterInfo AdapterInfo
ChartboostMediationSettings Removed
IPartnerConsent Removed

Delegates πŸ”—

Mediation 4.X Mediation 5.X
ChartboostMediationILRDEvent ChartboostMediationImpressionLevelRevenueDataEvent
ChartboostMediationPartnerInitializationEvent ChartboostMediationPartnerAdapterInitializationEvent
ChartboostMediationEvent Removed
ChartboostMediationPlacementEvent Removed
ChartboostMediationPlacementLoadEvent Removed
ChartboostMediationFullscreenAdEvent FullscreenAdEvent
ChartboostMediationFullscreenAdEventWithError FullscreenAdEventWithError
ChartboostMediationFullscreenAdQueueEvent FullscreenAdQueueUpdateEvent
ChartboostMediationFullscreenAdQueueRemoveExpiredAdEvent FullscreenAdQueueRemoveExpiredAdEvent
ChartboostMediationBannerEvent BannerAdEvent
ChartboostMediationBannerDragEvent BannerAdDragEvent
ChartboostMediationUnityBannerAdEvent UnityBannerAdEvent
ChartboostMediationUnityBannerAdDragEvent UnityBannerAdDragEvent

Note The tables above covers most relevant developer facing APIs. As mentioned before, the ChartboostMediation prefixing has been dropped for brevity, APIs not mentioned above have been renamed accordingly.

Integration πŸ”—

Initialization πŸ”—

Starting with Mediation SDK 5.0.0, the Mediation SDK can only be initialized by Chartboost Core SDK. This architectural change was made so that Core can manage the initialization sequences of the current Mediation SDK and future SDKs on the horizon.

Review the Core SDK integration guide for more information.

  • // New Manual Initialization after 4.1.0
    ChartboostMediation.StartWithOptions(ChartboostMediationSettings.AppId, ChartboostMediationSettings.AppSignature);
    // Old Style of Manual Initialization Not Using ChartboostMediationSettings Scritable Object
    var appId = "";
    var appSignature = "";
    #elif UNITY_IOS
    appId = "IOS_SAMPLE_APP_ID";
    appSignature = "IOS_SAMPLE_APP_SIGNATURE";
    ChartboostMediation.StartWithOptions(appID, appSignature);
  • ChartboostCore.ModuleInitializationCompleted += result =>
        // If not Chartboost' Mediation, then ignore since we only care about CBMediation in this case.
        if (result.ModuleId != ChartboostMediation.CoreModuleId)
        Debug.Log($"Received initialization result for: {result.ModuleId} start:{result.Start}, end:{result.End} with duration: {result.Duration}");
        // Module failed to initialize module
        if (result.Error.HasValue) 
            Debug.LogError($"Module: {result.ModuleId} failed to initialize with error: {JsonTools.SerializeObject(result.Error.Value)}");
        // Modue succeeded to initialize, add to list of modules to skip to pass on the next ChartboostCore.Initialize call.

Network Killswitch πŸ”—

Since Mediation SDK initialization is now handled by the Core SDK, the network killswitch feature has been moved to the static method ChartboostMediation.SetPreInitializationConfiguration that must be called before Core SDK initialization is initiated.

  • var options = new[]{"network_identifier", "network_identifier2"};
    ChartboostMediation.StartWithOptions(ChartboostMediationSettings.AppId, ChartboostMediationSettings.AppSignature, options);
  • // List of partners ids to skip initialization
    HashSet<string> skippablePartnerIds = new HashSet<string>
    // Create ChartboostMediationPreInitializationConfiguration object
    ChartboostMediationPreInitializationConfiguration preinitializatioOptions = new ChartboostMediationPreInitializationConfiguration(skippablePartnerIds);
    // Set ChartboostMediationPreInitializationConfiguration object
    ChartboostMediationError? ChartboostMediation.SetPreInitializationConfiguration(preinitializatioOptions);
    // Report if failed to set ChartboostMediationPreInitializationConfiguration object
    if (error.HasValue) 
        Debug.LogError($"Failed to set PreInitializationConfiguration: {JsonTools.SerializeObject(error.Value)}");

All privacy and consent related APIs have been removed from the Mediation 5.X SDK and will be handled by the Core SDK.

The Mediation SDK will continue to utilize the TCFv2 string as part of auction requests, and will forward consent changes to the partner adapters. For partners that utilize complex non-IAB compliant privacy and consent signals that cannot be extrapolated from Core SDK consent signals, last resort APIs will be exposed via that partner adapter’s AdapterConfiguration class and must be directly set on the adapter configuration.

For more information on supported Consent Mediation Platforms and their integration, review the Core SDK integration guide.

HyprMX πŸ”—

// Given

// Declined

// Unknown

Pangle πŸ”—

// Consent

// No Consent

// Default

// Sell

// Not Sell

// Default

UnityAds πŸ”—

// Consent

// No Consent

// Consent

// No Consent

Vungle πŸ”—

// Consent

// No Consent

// Consent

// No Consent

Publisher Metadata πŸ”—

Publisher-specified data used to improve auction requests have been moved to the Core SDK, and will still be available to the Mediation 5.X auction requests.

Mediation 4.X Mediation 5.X
ChartboostMediation.SetUserIdentifier ChartboostCore.PublisherMetadata.SetPlayerIdentifier(frameworkname:)
No Equivalent ChartboostCore.PublisherMetadata.SetFramework(frameworkName:, frameworkVersion:)
ChartboostMediation.SetSubjectToCoppa ChartboostCore.PublisherMetadata.SetIsUserUnderage(isUserUnderage:)

Adaptive and Fixed Banners πŸ”—

The changes to adaptive banner ads APIs revolved around naming convention parity and architectural alignment with the banner ads APIs.

  • // Using ChartboostMediationBannerView API 
    // Get a bannerView
    IChartboostMediationBannerView bannerView = ChartboostMediation.GetBannerView();
    // Determine the maximum size to load using width and height
    var size = ChartboostMediationBannerSize.Adaptive(width, height);
    // create a load request with size and your placementName
    var loadRequest = new ChartboostMediationBannerAdLoadRequest(placementName, size)
    // Determine where on the screen you want to place this bannerView
    var screenLocation = ChartboostMediationBannerAdScreenLocation.TopRight;
    // Load the banner ad
    var loadResult = await bannerView.Load(loadRequest, screenLocation);
        // loaded successfully
    // Using ChartboostMediationUnityBannerAd API
    // Get reference to ChartboostMediationUnityBannerAd created in Editor
    public ChartboostMediationUnityBannerAd unityBannerAd;
    // Load the banner ad inside this gameobject
    var loadResult = await unityBannerAd.Load();
        // loaded successfully
    // For Unity gameobject
    // Get new unityBannerAd created as a child of provided canvas
    var canvas = FindObjectOfType<Canvas>(); 
    ChartboostMediationUnityBannerAd unityBannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetUnityBannerAd(placementName, canvas.transform);
    // Load the banner ad inside this gameobject
    var loadResult = await unityBannerAd.Load();
        // loaded successfully
  • // Get a bannerAd
    IBannerAd bannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetBannerAd();
    // Place it at the center of screen
    bannerAd.Position = new Vector2(
    // Set pivot
    bannerAd.Pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
    // Set banner ad callbacks
    bannerAd.WillAppear += ad => Debug.Log($"BannerAd: {ad.LoadId} will appear.");
    bannerAd.DidClick += ad => Debug.Log($"BannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was clicked.");
    bannerAd.DidDrag += (ad,x,y) => Debug.Log($"BannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was dragged x:{x}/y:{y}.");
    bannerAd.DidRecordImpression += ad => Debug.Log($"BannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was clicked.");
    // create a load request with size and your placementName
    var loadRequest = new BannerAdLoadRequest(
        BannerSize.Adaptive6X1(width)    // This can be any other size or the old non-adaptive size like `BannerSize.Standard`
    // Check if IBannerAd failed to load
    var error = adShowResult.Error;
    // Failed to load
    if (error.HasValue)
        // Report load failure
        Debug.LogError($"`IBannerAd` Load failed with error: {JsonTools.SerializeObject(error.Value, Formatting.Indented)}");
    // Load succeeded
    // Report metrics and show success
    var loadId = loadResult.LoadId;
    var metricsJson = JsonTools.SerializeObject(loadResult.Metrics, Formatting.Indented);
    var winningBidInfo = JsonTools.SerializeObject(loadResult.WinningBidInfo, Formatting.Indented);
    Debug.Log($"`IBannerAd` loaded successfully with:\n" +
              $"LoadId: {loadId}\n" +
              $"Metrics: {metricsJson}\n" +
              $"Winning Bid Info: {winningBidInfo}");
  • // Get new unityBannerAd created as a child of provided canvas
    var canvas = FindObjectOfType<Canvas>(); 
    ChartboostMediationUnityBannerAd unityBannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetUnityBannerAd(placementName, canvas.transform);
    // Load the banner ad inside this gameobject
    var loadResult = await unityBannerAd.Load();
        // loaded successfully
  • // Determine the maximum size to load using width and height
    BannerSize size = BannerSize.Adaptive(100, 100);
    BannerAdLoadRequest loadRequest = new BannerAdLoadRequest("BANNER_PLACEMENT_NAME", size);
    // Get reference to `UnityBannerAd` from scene
    public UnityBannerAd unityBannerAd;
    // Or create one at runtime
    var unityBannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetUnityBannerAd("PLACEMENT_NAME", FindObjectOfType<Canvas>().transform);
    // Place this at the top-right corner of screen
    unityBannerAd.transform.position = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
    unityBannerAd.GetComponent<RectTransform>().pivot = new Vector2(1, 1);
    // Set callbacks
    unityBannerAd.WillAppear += ad => Debug.Log($"UnityBannerAd: {ad.LoadId} will appear.");
    unityBannerAd.DidClick += ad => Debug.Log($"UnityBannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was clicked.");
    unityBannerAd.DidDrag += (ad,x,y) => Debug.Log($"UnityBannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was dragged x:{x}/y:{y}.");
    unityBannerAd.DidRecordImpression += ad => Debug.Log($"UnityBannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was clicked.");
    // Load with this gameobject's rect size as request size for banner
    var loadResult = await unityBannerAd.Load();
    // Or use a custom load request
    // Create load request
    var loadRequest = new BannerAdLoadRequest(
        BannerSize.Adaptive6X1(100)    // This can be any other size or the old non-adaptive size like `BannerSize.Standard`
    var loadResult = await unityBannerAd.Load(loadRequest);
        // loaded successfully
    // Check if UnityBannerAd failed to load
    var error = adShowResult.Error;
    // Failed to load
    if (error.HasValue)
        // Report load failure
        Debug.LogError($"`UnityBannerAd` Load failed with error: {JsonTools.SerializeObject(error.Value, Formatting.Indented)}");
    // Load succeeded
    // Report metrics and show success
    var loadId = loadResult.LoadId;
    var metricsJson = JsonTools.SerializeObject(loadResult.Metrics, Formatting.Indented);
    var winningBidInfo = JsonTools.SerializeObject(loadResult.WinningBidInfo, Formatting.Indented);
    Debug.Log($"`UnityBannerAd` loaded successfully with:\n" +
              $"LoadId: {loadId}\n" +
              $"Metrics: {metricsJson}\n" +
              $"Winning Bid Info: {winningBidInfo}");

Resizing Adaptive Banners πŸ”—

Resizing adaptive banners have been removed and replaced with bannerAd.ContainerSize = ContainerSize.WrapContent();.

  • // Using ChartboostMediationBannerView API
    bannerView.DidLoad += (banner) => 
        // Determine the axis on which you want the bannerView to resize
        var resizeAxis = ChartboostMediationBannerResizeAxis.Vertical; 
        // Make the resize call
    // Using ChartboostMediationUnityBannerAd API 
    // Determine the resizeOption you want to set on this gameobject
    ResizeOption resizeOption = ResizeOption.FitVertical;
    // Update the resizeOption 
    unityBannerAd.ResizeOption = resizeOption

Fullscreen Ads πŸ”—

The changes to the fullscreen ads APIs revolved around naming convention parity and architectural alignment with the banner ads APIs.

Review the Fullscreen Ads integration guide for more details.

  • // Strong reference to cached ad.
    private IChartboostMediationFullscreenAd _fullscreenPlacement;
    // keywords are optional
    var keywords = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "i12_keyword1", "i12_value1" } };
    // Create a Fullscreen Ad Load Request
    var loadRequest = new ChartboostMediationFullscreenAdLoadRequest(FULLSCREEN_PLACEMENT, keywords);
    // Await on FullscreenAd Load
    var loadResult = await ChartboostMediation.LoadFullscreenAd(loadRequest);
    // Failed to Load
    if (loadResult.Error.HasValue)
        Debug.Log($"Fullscreen Failed to Load: {loadResult.Error?.Code}, message: {loadResult.Error?.Message}");
    // Successful Load!
    // Set strong reference to cached ad
    _fullscreenAd = loadResult.AD;
    // Subscribing Instance Delegates
    _fullscreenPlacement.DidClick += fullscreenAd => Log($"DidClick Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}");
    _fullscreenPlacement.DidClose += (fullscreenAd, error) => 
    Debug.Log(!error.HasValue ? $"DidClose Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}"
    : $"DidClose with Error. Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}, Code: {error?.Code}, Message: {error?.Message}");
    _fullscreenPlacement.DidReward += fullscreenAd => Log($"DidReward Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}");
    _fullscreenPlacement.DidRecordImpression += fullscreenAd => Log($"DidImpressionRecorded Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}");
    _fullscreenPlacement.DidExpire += fullscreenAd => Log($"DidExpire Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}");
    // Set custom data before show
    _fullscreenAd.CustomData = "CUSTOM DATA HERE!";
    // DidLoad
    var customData = _fullscreenAd.CustomData;
    var adLoadId = _fullscreenAd.LoadId;
    var bidInfo = _fullscreenAd.WinningBidInfo;
    var placementName = _fullscreenAd?.Request?.PlacementName;
    var loadId = loadResult.LoadId;
    var metrics = loadResult.Metrics;
    Log($"Fullscreen: {placementName} Loaded with: \nAdRequestId {adLoadId} \nRequestID {loadId} \nBidInfo: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bidInfo, Formatting.Indented)} \n Metrics:{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metrics, Formatting.Indented)} \n Custom Data: {customData}");
    // Check for existing Ad 
    if (_fullscreenAd == null)
    // Make a load request
    var adShowResult = await _fullscreenAd.Show();
    var error = adShowResult.error;
    // Failed to Show
    if (error.HasValue)
       Debug.Log($"Fullscreen Failed to Show with Value: {error?.code}, {error?.message}");
    // Successful Fullscreen Show. This will only finish after the ad show is completed.
    var metrics = adShowResult.metrics;
    Debug.Log($"Fullscreen Ad Did Show: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metrics, Formatting.Indented)}");
  • // Keywords to pass for fullscreen ad
    var keywords = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "key", "value" },
        { "key_2", "value_2" }
    // Create FullscreenAdLoadRequest with keywords
    FullscreenAdLoadRequest fullscreenAdRequest = new FullscreenAdLoadRequest("FULLSCREEN_PLACEMENT_ID", keywords);
    // Load `IFullscreenAd` using async approach and our previously built FullscreenAdLoadRequest
    FullscreenAdLoadResult fullscreenAdLoadResult = await ChartboostMediation.LoadFullscreenAd(fullscreenAdRequest);
    // Check if an error occurred
    ChartboostMediationError? error = fullscreenAdLoadResult.Error;
    // Load failed
    if (error.HasValue)
        // Report load failure
        Debug.LogError($"`IFullscreenAd` Load failed with error: {JsonTools.SerializeObject(error.Value, Formatting.Indented)}");
    // Load succeeded 
    // Parse load result data
    var loadId = fullscreenAdLoadResult.LoadId;
    var winningBidInfoJson = JsonTools.SerializeObject(fullscreenAdLoadResult.WinningBidInfo, Formatting.Indented);
    var metricsJson = JsonTools.SerializeObject(fullscreenAdLoadResult.Metrics, Formatting.Indented);
    // Report fullscreen ad load result information
    Debug.Log($"`IFullscreenAd` load completed with: LoadId{loadId} WinningBidInfo: {winningBidInfoJson}, Metrics: {metricsJson}");
    // Obtain IFullscreenAd
    IFullscreenAd ad = fullscreenAdLoadResult.Ad;
    // Subscribing IFullscreenAd Instance Delegates
    ad.DidClick += fullscreenAd => Log($"DidClick Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}");
    ad.DidClose += (fullscreenAd, error) => Debug.Log(!error.HasValue ? $"DidClose Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}" : $"DidClose with Error. Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}, Code: {error?.Code}, Message: {error?.Message}");
    ad.DidReward += fullscreenAd => Log($"DidReward Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}");
    ad.DidRecordImpression += fullscreenAd => Log($"DidImpressionRecorded Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}");
    ad.DidExpire += fullscreenAd => Log($"DidExpire Name: {fullscreenAd.Request.PlacementName}");
    // Show `IFullscreenAd` using async approach
    AdShowResult adShowResult = await ad.Show();
    // Check if IFullscreenAd failed to show
    var error = adShowResult.Error;
    // Failed to show
    if (error.HasValue)
        // Report show failure
        Debug.LogError($"`IFullscreenAd` Show failed with error: {JsonTools.SerializeObject(error.Value, Formatting.Indented)}");
    // Show succeeded
    // Report metrics and show sucess
    var metricsJson = JsonTools.SerializeObject(adShowResult.Metrics, Formatting.Indented);
    Debug.Log($"`IFullscreenAd` show completed with: Metrics: {metricsJson}");

Discarding Oversized Ads πŸ”—

The changes to the discarding oversized ads revolved around naming convention parity.

  • // To drop oversized ads
    // To allow oversized ads
  • ChartboostMediation.DiscardOverSizedAds = true;
    // or
    ChartboostMediation.DiscardOverSizedAds = false;

Disposing Loaded Ads πŸ”—

The changes to disposing loaded ads revolved around naming convention parity and architectural alignment. Starting Mediation 5.X the Ad objects implement the IDisposable interface to properly dispose of managed and unmanaged resources.

  • private void OnDestroy()
        if (_fullscreenPlacement != null)
            Debug.Log("Invalidated an existing fullscreen");
        if (_bannerAd != null)
        if (_bannerView != null)
            Debug.Log("Destroyed an existing banner");
        if(_unityBannerAd != null)
            Debug.Log("Destroyed an existing banner");
  • fullscreenAd.Dispose();

Configuring Mediation πŸ”—

Test Mode πŸ”—

The changes to the test mode revolved around naming convention parity.

  • ChartboostMediation.SetTestMode(true);
    // or
  • ChartboostMediation.TestMode = true;
    // or
    ChartboostMediation.TestMode = false;

Privacy Methods πŸ”—

All privacy methods have been removed from 5.X and migrated to Chartboost Core SDK.

  • // COPPA
    // or
    //- By sending `SetSubjectToCoppa(true)`, you indicate that you want your content treated as child-directed for purposes of COPPA. We will take steps to disable interest-based advertising for such ad requests.
    //- By sending `SetSubjectToCoppa(false)`, you indicate that you don't want your content treated as child-directed for purposes of COPPA. You represent and warrant that your applications and services are not directed towards children and that you will not provide any information to Mediation from a user under the age of 13.
    // GDPR
    // or
    //- By sending `setSubjectToGDPR(true)`, you indicate that GDPR is applied to this user from your application.
    //- By sending `setSubjectToGDPR(false)`, you indicate that GDPR is not applied to this user from your application.
    // User Given Consent
    // or
    //- By sending `SetUserHasGivenConsent(true)`, you indicate that this user from your application has given consent to share personal data for behavior-targeted advertising.
    //- By sending `SetUserHasGivenConsent(false)`, you indicate that this user from your application has not given consent to use its personal data for behavior-targeted advertising, so only contextual advertising is allowed.
    // CCPA
    // or
    //- By sending `SetCCPAConsent(true)`, you indicate that this user from your application has given consent to share personal data for behavior-targeted advertising under CCPA regulation.
    //- By sending `SetCCPAConsent(false)`, you indicate that this user from your application has not given consent to allow sharing personal data for behavior-targeted advertising under CCPA regulation.

Mediation Start / Module Observer πŸ”—

Initialization of the Mediation SDK is now done by the Chartboost Core SDK. To receive initialization callbacks, utilize the module observer.

  • ChartboostCore.ModuleInitializationCompleted += result =>
        var moduleName = result.ModuleId == ChartboostMediation.CoreModuleId ? "Chartboost Mediation" : $"Chartboost Core module {result.ModuleId}";
        Debug.Log($"Received initialization result for: {moduleName} start:{result.Start}, end:{result.End} with duration: {result.Duration}");
        // Module failed to initialize module
        if (result.Error.HasValue) 
            Debug.LogError($"Module: {moduleName} failed to initialize with error: {JsonTools.SerializeObject(result.Error.Value)}");
        // Modue succeeded to initialize, add to list of modules to skip to pass on the next ChartboostCore.Initialize call.

Keywords πŸ”—

The changes to the fullscreen ads APIs revolved around naming convention parity and architectural alignment with the banner ads APIs.

Keywords are now set after obtaining the banner or fullscreen ad objects. To remove keywords, pass a new set without those keywords. The list will be overridden. This is to facilitate the wrapping process between Unity and native platforms.

  • // Create an Ad object.
    ChartboostMediationInterstitialAd interstitialAd = ChartboostMediation.GetInterstitialAd(PLACEMENT_INTERSTITIAL);
    ChartboostMediationRewardedAd rewardedAd = ChartboostMediation.GetRewardedAd(PLACEMENT_REWARDED);
    ChartboostMediationBannerAd bannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetBannerAd(PLACEMENT_BANNER, BANNER_SIZE);
    // Set a Keyword
    this.interstitialAd.SetKeyword("i12_keyword1", "i12_value1");
    this.rewardedAd.SetKeyword("rwd_keyword1", "rwd_value1");
    this.bannerAd.SetKeyword("bnr_keyword1", "bnr_value1");
    // Remove Keyword.
  • // Keywords to pass for fullscreen ad
    var keywords = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "key", "value" },
        { "key_2", "value_2" }
    // Create FullscreenAdLoadRequest with keywords
    FullscreenAdLoadRequest fullscreenAdRequest = new FullscreenAdLoadRequest("FULLSCREEN_PLACEMENT_ID", keywords);
    // Keywords to pass for banner ad
    var keywords = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "key", "value" },
        { "key_2", "value_2" }
    // Get banner ad
    IBannerAd bannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetBannerAd();
    // Set keywords
    bannerAd.Keywords = keywords;
    // Keywords to pass for unity banner ad
    var keywords = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "key", "value" },
        { "key_2", "value_2" }
    // Get UnityBannerAd
    UnityBannerAd unityBannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetUnityBannerAd("PLACEMENT_NAME");
    // Set keywords
    unityBannerAd.Keywords = keywords;

Error Codes πŸ”—

5.X will continue to use codes from 4.X with minor changes in the descriptions. Any new error codes introduced in 5.X will follow the same naming convention.