
Banner Ad

Chartboost Mediation SDK 4.6.0 introduced an Adaptive Banner ad format, capable of serving flexible and fixed sized ads. This ad format provides the following features:

  • Choose whether to use Adaptive Ads or Fixed Ads in a given placement.
  • Fixed Ads are supported in Adaptive Ad placements (backwards compatible).
  • Know whether an ad is fixed or flexible and receive the dimensions of fixed ads.
  • Align the ad horizontally and/or vertically.
  • Resize the ad container to fit the ad or optionally discard oversized ads that are rendered in the container.
  • The ad container can be in-line or on top of publisher content.

To use this new ad format, create a new Adaptive Banner placement in your platform and integrate with the Adaptive Banner APIs.

The UnityBannerAd API is provided to allow usage of Unity Gameobjects for loading a banner ad within it.

BannerAdLoadRequest πŸ”—

BannerAdLoadRequest objects contains publisher provided configurations for IBannerAd objects. It is used when calling IBannerAd.Load, as seen in the examples below:

// Determine the maximum size to load using width and height
BannerSize size = BannerSize.Adaptive(100, 100);
BannerAdLoadRequest loadRequest = new BannerAdLoadRequest("BANNER_PLACEMENT_NAME", size);

Keywords πŸ”—

Keywords are set after obtaining the IBannerAd object when calling ChartboostMediation.GetBannerAd. To remove keywords, pass a new set without those keywords. The list will be overridden. This is to facilitate the wrapping process between Unity and native platforms.

// Keywords to pass for banner ad
var keywords = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "key", "value" },
    { "key_2", "value_2" }

// Get banner ad
IBannerAd bannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetBannerAd();

// Set keywords
bannerAd.Keywords = keywords;

Loading IBannerAd Objects πŸ”—

A detailed example on the load logic for this API can be found below:

// Get a bannerAd
IBannerAd bannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetBannerAd();

// Place it at the center of screen
bannerAd.Position = new Vector2(

// Set pivot
bannerAd.Pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

// Set banner ad callbacks
bannerAd.WillAppear += ad => Debug.Log($"BannerAd: {ad.LoadId} will appear.");
bannerAd.DidClick += ad => Debug.Log($"BannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was clicked.");
bannerAd.DidDrag += (ad,x,y) => Debug.Log($"BannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was dragged x:{x}/y:{y}.");
bannerAd.DidRecordImpression += ad => Debug.Log($"BannerAd: {ad.LoadId} was clicked.");

// create a load request with size and your placementName
var loadRequest = new BannerAdLoadRequest(
    BannerSize.Adaptive6X1(width)    // This can be any other size or the old non-adaptive size like `BannerSize.Standard`


Loading in async Context πŸ”—

// Load the banner ad with our previously configured load request
BannerAdLoadResult loadResult = await bannerAd.Load(loadRequest);
    // report load error
// loaded successfully

Loading in sync Context πŸ”—

A lot of APIs provided in the Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK utilize the async/await C# implementation. It is possible to call the following code from a sync context where async/await might not be supported:

// Show `IBannerAd` using async approach
bannerAd.Load(loadRequest).ContinueWithOnMainThread(continuation =>
    loadResult = continuation.Result;

BannerAdLoadResult πŸ”—

BannerAdLoadResult contains information regarding the load for IBannerAd objects. Its result can be used as seen below:

// Check if IBannerAd failed to load
var error = adShowResult.Error;

// Failed to load
if (error.HasValue)
    // Report load failure
    Debug.LogError($"`IBannerAd` Load failed with error: {JsonTools.SerializeObject(error.Value, Formatting.Indented)}");

// Load succeeded

// Report metrics and show success
var loadId = loadResult.LoadId;
var metricsJson = JsonTools.SerializeObject(loadResult.Metrics, Formatting.Indented);
var winningBidInfo = JsonTools.SerializeObject(loadResult.WinningBidInfo, Formatting.Indented);
Debug.Log($"`IBannerAd` loaded successfully with:\n" +
          $"LoadId: {loadId}\n" +
          $"Metrics: {metricsJson}\n" +
          $"Winning Bid Info: {winningBidInfo}");

Dispose πŸ”—

IBannerAd objects implement the IDisposable to properly dispose of managed and unmanaged resources.

You can free up resources directly by calling IBannerAd.Dispose.

IBannerAd ad = ChartboostMediation.GetBannerAd();

// Do what we need to do with our IBannerAd

// Free up resources