
Get Started with iOS

Chartboost Core iOS SDK is designed as an entry point to manage and facilitate different modules for your iOS application. Each module can be individually initialized with metrics collected and reported to offer detailed insights into the module’s performance and potential issues.

The main functionalities provided by the SDK are:

  1. Initialization of individual or a set of modules.
  2. Performance metrics collection during the module initialization process.
  3. Detailed error tracking and reporting with categorized error codes.
  4. Centralized logging system with multiple log levels and output options.

Minimum Supported Development Tools πŸ”—

Software Version
Minimum Supported iOS Version 13.0
Minimum Swift Version 5.0
Minimum Xcode Version 15.0

Add the Core SDK to your project πŸ”—

To add the Core SDK through CocoaPods, simply add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'ChartboostCoreSDK'

Additional Resources πŸ”—

β†— Open Source
β†— SDK API Reference