Callback Parameters

Callback Parameters 🔗

You can specify your own key name and then choose one of the following values for that key.

You can also add your own static and dynamic parameters by clicking the + button.

Value Type Description
Ad Type String Type of ad shown (e.g. interstitial, rewarded_video, video_interstitial)
Award Amount String Amount of currency awarded for completed video view
Bid Type String Type of Chartboost bid (CPI, CPM); Will return free if campaign is a cross-promotion with direct invoicing
Bid Value String Value of the campaign bid; Will return free or an empty string if campaign is a cross-promotion with direct invoicing
Campaign ID String Your campaign’s ID
Campaign Name String Your campaign’s name
Campaign Type String Type of Chartboost campaign (cross-promotion, publishing, or advertising)
Click ID String Unique ID of the Chartboost click event that triggered the callback – Advertiser only
Completed View ID String ID of a completed view, fired every time a user finishes watching a video. Only included in callbacks set to advertiser role.
Creative ID (advertiser only) String ID of the creative – 24-digit alphanumeric, e.g. 5361f8abc26ee43e1c3aafe2
Creative Name (advertiser only) String Name of the creative
Currency Name String Type of currency awarded for completed video view, in 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code format
Custom ID String Custom identifier from the Chartboost SDK, sent in the POST body for Chartboost API server requests after a completed view event; can be used to validate Rewarded Video calls via server instead of within the SDK. SDK 5.0+ only.
Device Country Code String Country code of the device – reverse IP lookup or ISO 639-1 (two-letter code)
Device Language String Two-character ISO 639-1 language codes according to (a) iOS: the preferred system keyboard, (b) Android: the device language
Device Model String Categorical description of device phone (e.g. Nexus 4)
Device OS String Version of device’s operating system
Device Type String Detailed information on the device model (e.g. LGE Nexus 4)
Event Type String Description of the event type (click, completed view, or converted install)
Format of Click Timestamp String To append something like time=12:51:01PM 2013-08-04PST to your callback, enter time in the Key field and H:i:sA y:m:de in the Format field.
Format of Timestamp String To append something like time=12:51:01PM 2013-08-04PST to your callback, enter time in the Key field and H:i:sA y:m:de in the Format field.
Formatted IFA String Same as IFA but with inserted dashes, capitalized. iOS SDK v3.0.7+ only.
From App ID String The publishing app’s Chartboost app ID – 24-digit alphanumeric, e.g. 5361f8abc26ee43e1c3aafe2
From App Nickname String The publishing app’s name, input by developer into the Chartboost dashboard; name that appears in campaign analytics API
From App Official Name String App store official name of the publishing app
From Bundle ID String The bundle ID for the publishing app; iOS bundle IDs can be found in the game’s iTunes Connect record and Googly Play bundle IDs can be found in the app’s Play Store URL.
From Company Name String Publishing company’s name, entered in Chartboost account
From Store ID String The iTunes store ID for the publishing app; this is the 9-digit number found on the App’s App Store listing.
GAID String Google advertising identifier. Android SDK v4.0+ only.
IFA String iOS identifier for advertising without hashing. iOS SDK v3.0.7+ only.
IP Address String IP address of the device that triggered the event (e.g. “”) – Advertiser only
Platform String The app’s platform – iOS, Android, or Amazon
Side of Event (advertiser/publisher) String Returns either advertiser or publisher values
SKAN Campaign ID String The SKAdNetwork Campaign ID assigned to the impression/click
Target Name String Name of Chartboost campaign target
To App ID String The advertising app’s Chartboost app ID – 24-digit alphanumeric, e.g. 5361f8abc26ee47f7f21fec6
To App Nickname String The advertising app’s name, input by developer into the Chartboost dashboard; name that appears in campaign analytics API
To App Official Name String App store official name of the advertising app
To App Signature String Signature of the app being advertising – 40-digit alphanumeric, e.g. 8f64804162d9c912ff290ec43d9773ef1ba121cd – Advertiser role only
To Bundle ID String The bundle ID for the app being advertised; iOS bundle IDs can be found in the game’s iTunes Connect record and Google Play bundle IDs can be found in teh app’s Play Store URL.
To Company Name String Advertising company’s name, entered in Chartboost account
To Store ID String The iTUnes store ID for the app being advertised; this is the 9-digit number found on the app’s App Store listing
User Agent String Mobile web user agent string of the device that triggered a click event, e.g. “Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; u; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A314 Safari/528.16” – Advertiser only
User ID String Your Chartboost user ID – 24-digit alphanumeric, e.g. 50c8cc5516ba47d406000016
UUID String Device ID without hashing: (a) Legacy Android ID for Android OS, (b) Legacy Android ID for Amazon OS

Accepted PHP Timestamp Formats & Ranges 🔗

Timestamp Format Description
D Weekday as locale abbreviated name
l Weekday as locale full name
M Month as locale abbreviated name
F Month as locale full name
d Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31]
H Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23]
h Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12]
z Day of the year as a decimal nimber [001,366]; range is [000,365] in PHP but will still validate 364 days a year
m Month as a decimal number [01,12]
i Minute as a decimal number [00,59]
a Locale equivalent of either AM or PM; this is lowercase in PHP and uppercase in Python
A Locale equivalent of either AM or PM
s Second as a decimal number [00,61]
w Weekday as a decimal number [0,6]; 0=Sunday
W Week number of the year, Monday as the first day of the week
y Year without century as a decimal number [00,99]
Y Year with century as a decimal number (e.g. 2016)
O UTC offset in teh form +HHMM or -HHMM
T Time zone name; empty string if the object is native
e Time zone name; empty string if the object is native
U Unix time