
Configure Mediation

Test Mode 🔗

The Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK includes a Test Mode method that will allow you to test your partner integrations and get their test ads. To enable Test Mode, simply set the following method to true after starting the SDK. Remember to remove it or set the method to false before releasing your app.

// or

Privacy Methods 🔗

The following privacy methods are used to set different privacy settings:


setSubjectToCoppa 🔗

  // or
  • By sending setSubjectToCoppa (true), you indicate that you want your content treated as child-directed for purposes of COPPA. We will take steps to disable interest-based advertising for such ad requests.

  • By sending setSubjectToCoppa (false), you indicate that you don’t want your content treated as child-directed for purposes of COPPA. You represent and warrant that your applications and services are not directed towards children and that you will not provide any information to Mediation from a user under the age of 13


setSubjectToGDPR 🔗

  // or
  • By sending setSubjectToGDPR (true), you indicate that GDPR is applied to this user from your application.
  • By sending setSubjectToGDPR (false), you indicate that GDPR is not applied to this user from your application.

setUserHasGivenConsent 🔗

  // or
  • By sending setUserHasGivenConsent (true), you indicate that this user from your application has given consent to share personal data for behavior-targeted advertising.

  • By sending setUserHasGivenConsent (false), you indicate that this user from your application has not given consent to use its personal data for behavior-targeted advertising, so only contextual advertising is allowed.


setCCPAConsent 🔗

  // or
  • By sending setCCPAConsent (true), you indicate that this user from your application has given consent to share personal data for behavior-targeted advertising under CCPA regulation.

  • By sending setCCPAConsent (false), you indicate that this user from your application has not given consent to allow sharing personal data for behavior-targeted advertising under CCPA regulation.

Keywords 🔗

Keywords allow key-value pairs to enable real-time targeting of line items.

Set Keywords 🔗

To set keywords, you will need to first create a Mediation ad object, then use the setKeyword method to add key-value keywords pair.

// Create an Ad object.
ChartboostMediationInterstitialAd interstitialAd = ChartboostMediation.GetInterstitialAd(PLACEMENT_INTERSTITIAL);

ChartboostMediationRewardedAd rewardedAd = ChartboostMediation.GetRewardedAd(PLACEMENT_REWARDED);

ChartboostMediationBannerAd bannerAd = ChartboostMediation.GetBannerAd(PLACEMENT_BANNER, BANNER_SIZE);

// Set a Keyword
this.interstitialAd.SetKeyword("i12_keyword1", "i12_value1");
this.rewardedAd.SetKeyword("rwd_keyword1", "rwd_value1");
this.bannerAd.SetKeyword("bnr_keyword1", "bnr_value1");

Remove Keywords 🔗

To remove keywords, use the removeKeyword method and pass the key you would like to remove.

// Remove Keyword.

Setting User Identifier 🔗

The user identifier property is found on the ChartboostMediation class. This property may be set anytime after SDK initialization.


Setting Fullscreen Placements Custom Data 🔗

The custom data property is found on the IChartboostMediationFullscreenAd instance, and has a maximum character limit of 1000 characters. In the event that the limit is exceeded, the customData property will be set to null.

Custom data may be set at any time before calling Show().

var loadResult = await ChartboostMediation.LoadFullscreenAd(loadRequest);
// after checking proper load result
_fullscreenAd = loadResult.Ad;
var bytesToEncode = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{\"testkey\":\"testvalue\"}");
var encodedText = Convert.ToBase64String(bytesToEncode);
_fullscreenAd.CustomData = encodedText;

See Mediation SDK: Manage Placement’s Rewarded Callbacks for configuration setup.