Show Ads
Showing Fullscreen Ads 🔗
Fullscreen Placements must be first loaded, see section Load Ads for more information.
Similar to the new load API. The new Fullscreen API utilizes C# async/await in order to request ad show. See below for details on implementation:
// Check for existing Ad
if (_fullscreenAd == null)
// Make a load request
var adShowResult = await _fullscreenAd.Show();
var error = adShowResult.error;
// Failed to Show
if (error.HasValue)
Debug.Log($"Fullscreen Failed to Show with Value: {error?.code}, {error?.message}");
// Successful Fullscreen Show. This will only finish after the ad show is completed.
var metrics = adShowResult.metrics;
Debug.Log($"Fullscreen Ad Did Show: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metrics, Formatting.Indented)}");
Showing Banner Ads 🔗
Banners are now automatically shown after load, see Loading Banner Ads for more information.
Releasing Chartboost Mediation Ads 🔗
To clear resources used by Chartboost Mediation Ads, you can use the destroy method associated with the respective Ad you used.
private void OnDestroy()
if (_fullscreenPlacement != null)
Debug.Log("Invalidated an existing fullscreen");
if (_bannerAd != null)
if (_bannerView != null)
Debug.Log("Destroyed an existing banner");
if(_unityBannerAd != null)
Debug.Log("Destroyed an existing banner");