
Delegate Usage

Overview 🔗

The Mediation SDK’s delegate methods allow you to exercise a greater degree of control over your integration. For example, you can:

  • Log debug messages when your game attempts to load an interstitial
  • Prevent ads from showing the first time a user plays your game
  • Determine whether a user has closed an ad
  • Get the price of the bid that won the auction

Delegates Setup 🔗

The Chartboost Mediation Unity SDK implements its delegate functionality using C# style delegates and events. Before using any of the delegate methods, you should first subscribe to the relevant SDK events in your MonoBehaviour as demonstrated:

Subscribing Static Delegates 🔗

  • private void OnEnable() {
        // Start Delegate
        ChartboostMediationSDK.DidStart += DidStart;
        // ILRD Delegate
        ChartboostMediationSDK.DidReceiveImpressionLevelRevenueData += DidReceiveImpressionLevelRevenueData;
        // Partner Initialization Data Delegate
        ChartboostMediation.DidReceivePartnerInitializationData += DidReceivePartnerInitializationData;
        // Error Handling Delegate
        ChartboostMediation.UnexpectedSystemErrorDidOccur += UnexpectedSystemErrorDidOccur;
  • Don’t make cache or show calls inside a delegate indicating that an ad has just failed to load.
  • Banner ads do not have a DidCloseBanner delegate.
  • Not all of the partner sdks have support for the DidClick delegate.

Unsubscribing Delegates 🔗

Make sure to unsubscribe to those same events when appropriate:

  • private void OnDisable() {
        // Remove event handlers
        ChartboostMediation.DidStart -= DidStart;
        // ILRD Delegate
        ChartboostMediation.DidReceiveImpressionLevelRevenueData -= DidReceiveImpressionLevelRevenueData;
        // Partner Initialization Data Delegate
        ChartboostMediation.DidReceivePartnerInitializationData -= DidReceivePartnerInitializationData;
        // Error Handling Delegate
        ChartboostMediation.UnexpectedSystemErrorDidOccur -= UnexpectedSystemErrorDidOccur;

Example Delegate Methods 🔗

Lifecycle Delegates 🔗

  • // Start Delegate
    private void DidStart(string error)
        Debug.Log($"DidStart: {error}");
        // Logic goes here
    // ILRD Delegate
    private void DidReceiveImpressionLevelRevenueData(string placement, Hashtable impressionData)
        var json =  JsonTools.Serialize(impressionData);
        Debug.Log($"DidReceiveImpressionLevelRevenueData {placement}: {json}");
    // Partner Initialization Data Delegate
    private void DidReceivePartnerInitializationData(string partnerInitializationData)
        Debug.Log($"DidReceivePartnerInitializationData: ${partnerInitializationData}");
    // Error Handling Delegate
    private static void UnexpectedSystemErrorDidOccur(string error)