Cross Promotion

What is a cross-promotion campaign and how do I start one? 🔗

Cross-promotion campaigns let you advertise your new app in your existing apps. Review our Cross Promotion documentation to start a cross-promotion campaign.

How much do cross-promotions cost? 🔗

Some of your cross-promotion impressions will go to our network. Otherwise, you’re free to promote your own games within each other!

Why can’t I see my Cross-Promotion campaign on my test device? 🔗

Chartboost Ad Server’s default logic is to never show an ad to you for an App that your device has previously installed. In this case, it’s possible that you have already installed the App that is being advertised in your Cross Promotion campaign.

We recommend resetting your device Identifier as that may help to show you the Cross Promotion campaign.

  • You can reset your GAID by navigating to Google Settings -> Ads -> Reset Google Advertising Identifier.
  • You can reset your IFA by navigating to Settings -> Privacy - > Advertising ->
  • Reset Advertising Identifier.

How can I target my cross-promotion campaign? 🔗

Set up your cross-promotion targeting options, or use device lists to target or exclude groups of individual devices.

How can I use cross-promotion campaigns to reengage users? 🔗

Instead of ignoring devices that have installed your game, use re-engagement logic to target them exclusively. Coupled with deep linking, these campaigns let you send existing users directly to locations in your game to show off your latest IAP, promotion, or other content.

Can I upload both landscape & portrait artwork to advertise a promoted game? 🔗

If the promoted game is set (via the App Settings page) to run in both landscape and portrait orientations, you’ll need to add both a landscape and portrait ad to show it off even if the publishing game has only one orientation set. You can add creatives via the App Settings page’s Promote This App section.

Review our Creative Assets guidelines for more information.