Exchange Advertisers

What is the Chartboost Exchange? πŸ”—

The Chartboost Exchange allows advertisers to reach our global audience through a real-time bidding platform. DSPs and their advertisers have access to in-app inventory in over 300,000 mobile games worldwide.

What targeting options are available to DSPs on Chartboost Exchange? πŸ”—

On the Chartboost Exchange, DSP partners can target ad campaigns by mobile game category, country, platform (iTunes or Google Play), and operating system (iOS, Android).

What ad formats (creative types) are available through the Chartboost Exchange? πŸ”—

The Chartboost Exchange supports full viewability for the most innovative ad formats:

  • Static interstitials
  • Video interstitials
  • Playable ads
  • Rewarded placements (videos & playable)

See all ad format specs on our partner portal.

I’m a DSP looking to integrate with Chartboost. Where do I start? πŸ”—

Chartboost is actively integrating new partners today. The exchange is built on OpenRTB 2.5 standards. If you’re interested in getting started with Chartboost Exchange, please contact us!