Chartboost Video

What is Chartboost Video? πŸ”—

The Chartboost SDK lets you enhance your players’ in-game experience with engaging, high-quality video ads that support rich media. As a developer, you also have complete, transparent control over your video campaigns through your Chartboost dashboard.

What makes Chartboost video ads so awesome? πŸ”—

  • Rich media support for high-quality videos, animated GIFs, and more.
  • Seamless, fast, and customized ad experience.
  • Detailed reporting on impressions, clicks, installs, and more.
  • Advanced campaign targeting, filtering, and optimization to drive higher eCPM.
  • Free to implement.

What is rewarded video? πŸ”—

Rewarded video is an ad type that rewards players (e.g. with in-game currency) after watching a video ad. Rewarded videos give publishers an extra revenue stream and give advertisers more high-quality, engaged users.

What video encoding format and dimensions are required? πŸ”—

Videos must use the H.264 codec and be a minimum of 1280 x 720, with the ideal encoding to target the most devices being H.264, 30-60 FPS, M4V, 1280 x 720. Learn more about creative assets.

What quality are the video ads? πŸ”—

We encode videos for optimal quality and use proprietary technology to deliver extremely fast response times, reliability regardless of network connection, and high-resolution playback.

How long should the video ads be? πŸ”—

The average video is between 15 and 30 seconds, although we recommend keeping your video under 15 seconds. Chartboost video ads can last 30 seconds. Users are given the option to skip the video within 5 seconds of playback.

How much do Chartboost Video ads cost? πŸ”—

SDK integration of Chartboost Video is free! Video is then billed on a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) or cost per install (CPI) basis.

Can I advertise my paid game with a CPI video ad? πŸ”—

No, only CPM is allowed for advertising a paid game.