Open RTB 2.3 Bid Request Specifications

Chartboost bid requests are built to the Open RTB 2.3 standard. The following fields are sent by Chartboost in the bid request. Bidders must ensure that they adhere to the requirements listed. DSPs should refer to the sample bid requests provided in the Example Request section for a comparison of different placement types and creative types.

BidRequest πŸ”—

The BidRequest parent object contains the following fields:

Field Type Description Notes
id String A Chartboost-defined unique identifier for this bid request. Β 
imp Object array Impression object. Always only one per bid request.
app Object App object. Details about the publisher app requesting an impression.
device Object Device object. Contains information on device such as make, model, os, etc.
user Object User object. Chartboost user id and geo information.
at Integer Auction type. Default value is 1, representing first-price auctions.
tmax Integer Maximum time in milliseconds to submit a bid to avoid timeout. Default value is 400 and is the same for all auction participants.
cur String array Currency. Always set to [ "USD" ].
bcat String array IAB categories that are blocked. There are categories we block exchange-wide listed in Blocked Categories on Chartboost Exchange. Note that individual publishers may block additional categories in bcat.
badv String array Domains of blocked companies. Omitted if no blocked domains exist.
bapp String array Bundle ids of blocked apps. Omitted if no blocked bundles exist.
source.ext Object Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. Β 
regs Object Object of regulatory conditions for all impressions in this bid request. Contains "coppa":0 or 1, "ext.gdpr":0 or 1, "ext.us_privacy":"1---" (or any other opt-in CCPA string). See Section 7.1 of OpenRTB 2.3 specifications for details.
ext.schain Object Supply chain object. Chartboost supply chain declaration. See OpenRTB SupplyChain object documentation for more information. (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description Notes
id String An internal Chartboost ID for the publishing app. Β 
name String Name of the publishing app as it appears in the app store. If no name is found, the name designated by the publisher in the Chartboost dashboard.
bundle String Bundle ID of the app. Chartboost will by default send iTunes Store ID (e.g. β€œ907175713”) instead of package id (e.g. for iOS apps.
storeurl String App store URL for the app. Β 
cat String array IAB category of the app. Chartboost inventory is primarily mobile games and we use 42Matters to enrich this field further in order to provide multiple categories based on the content of the app. 42Matters uses IAB Categories v1.0 standard taxonomy where the full list of categories available can be found here.
publisher Object An object containing 1) the internal ID of the company publishing this app, and 2) the name of the company as entered in the Chartboost dashboard (,, respectively). Β 
ext.package String Package id of the app. For Google Play apps, same value as the app.bundle, for iOS apps this will be the app’s package build name, e.g.

BidRequest.device (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description Notes
ua String User-Agent, e.g. 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU OS 9_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/13A171a Safari/600.1.4' Β 
geo Object Object containing country, type, region, city, and ZIP code. This information is inferred based on the device IP. Note: Chartboost does not provide latitudinal & longitudinal data.
lmt Integer Limit Ad Tracking. 1 implies the advertising ID should not be used to track this device. DSPs must adhere to this restriction. When LAT is enabled on iOS, device ids are masked (all zeroes).
ip String Device IPv4. Β 
ipv6 String Device IPv6. Optional, only included when in addition to IPv4.
devicetype Integer Indicates type of device. Chartboost currently passes 1 (Mobile/Tablet), 4 (Phone), and 5 (Tablet)
make String Device make, e.g. 'Apple'. Β 
model String Device model, e.g. 'iPhone8,1'. Β 
os String Operating system, e.g. 'iOS', 'Android'. Β 
osv String Version of operating system, e.g. 'iOS 13.2' Β 
h Integer Height of device as inferred by Chartboost SDK. Β 
w Integer Width of device as inferred by Chartboost SDK. Β 
language String Content language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2 Chartboost will omit the field if it’s unknown.
carrier String Indicates cellular carrier, if availble. Chartboost will pass carrier like VERIZON, WIFI if on a WiFi connection, or omit the field is it’s unknown.
connectiontype Integer Indicates type of type of device connectivity. See List: Connection Types
ifa String IDFA or GAID Identifier for Advertising for iOS devices; Google Advertising ID for Android devices.
dpidsha1 String SHA1 of Android device ID. Chartboost will include this field only if GAID is not available.
ext.ifv String IDFV (iOS), App Set ID (Android) Vendor-scoped device id.
ext.atts Integer A value indicating the status for app tracking authorization on iOS 14+. Possible values include 0 (notDetermined), 1 (restricted), 2 (denied), 3 (authorized).
ext.appsetidscope Integer App Set ID Scope 1 = App scope, 2 = Developer scope. Refer to Google Android documentation for more info.

BidRequest.user (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description Notes
id String Unique ID for the user. For iOS 14+: same value as device.ifa if the IDFA is non-zeroes. If IDFA is not available but IDFV is available, same value as IDFV. If neither IDFA nor IDFV is available, it is a Chartboost-generated unique ID. Recommended to use for frequency capping. Β 
geo Object Geo object containing country, type, region, city, zip. Note: This information may be based on the device origin rather than IP address; see also: device.geo. Chartboost does not provide GPS latitudinal & longitudinal data.
ext.consent Integer Integer values representing user consent to opt-in (1) or opt-out (0) for GDPR. Chartboost only sends integer values and does not support consent strings or TCF (Transparency and Consent Framework) level granularity at this time.
ext.sessionduration Integer The total duration of time a user has been using the app after Chartboost SDK is initialized, measured in seconds Β 
ext.impdepth Integer The number of ads the device has seen for a specific ad placement type (interstitial/rewarded/banner) within the same session. Β 

BidRequest.imp (Array[Object]) πŸ”—

Field Type Description
id String A Chartboost-defined unique identifier for this impression.
banner Object Object indicating that a banner format creative is expected in the response.
video Object High-level object indicating that a video format creative following the defined VAST standard(s) is expected in the response.
instl Integer Default 0. 1 for Interstitial and Rewarded placement types, 0 for Banner placements.
tagid String A Chartboost-defined string indicating the in-game location where an ad is being requested (String).
bidfloor Float Minimum expected bid value for this request.
bidfloorcur String Always set to 'USD'.
secure Integer Always set to 1, indicating that all asset URLs must be https.
pmp Object A Pmp object (Section 3.2.11) containing any private marketplace deals in effect for this impression.
clickbrowser Integer Indicates the type of browser opened upon clicking the creative, where 0 = embedded, 1 = native. Always set to 1.
ext Object Object to support various custom fields for partners.

BidRequest.imp[].banner (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description Notes
w Integer Default IAB standard size unless otherwise requested during integration. e.g. 320 or 480 for Phones, 1024 or 768 or 728(banner) for Tablets.
h Integer Default IAB standard size unless otherwise requested during integration. e.g. 320 or 480 or 50(banner) for Phones, 1024 or 768 or 90(banner) for Tablets.
wmax Integer Maximum width for the impression as inferred by Chartboost from the SDK on the device. Β 
hmax Integer Maximum height for the impression as inferred by Chartboost from the SDK on the device. Β 
btype Integer array Blocked banner types for this ad placement. Refer to list 5.2 of the Open RTB 2.3 specifications. Chartboost always sends [4] to block the iframe banner type.
battr Integer array Blocked IAB creative attributes for this ad placement. There are attributes we block on Chartboost Exchange listed in Blocked Attributes On Chartboost Exchange. Note that individual publishers may block additional attributes in battr. Refer to list 5.3 of the Open RTB 2.3 specifications.
pos Integer Ad position on the screen. All interstitial and rewarded placements are fullscreen and set to 7. All banner-size placements are set to 1.
topframe Integer Always set to 1. The use of iFrames in the payload is not supported or allowed.
api Integer array Indicates supported MRAID versions (Array of integers). Typically [3,5,7]. Chartboost SDK supports MRAID-1, MRAID-2 and OMID-1 methods. Please see the Creatives & Ad Formats section below for more details.
ext.playableonly Boolean Indicates if banner ad format must be a playable ad. If true, the value of in your bid response must be "MRAID playable".
ext.placementtype String Type of ad being placed. Possible values are banner, interstitial, or rewarded.
ext.allowscustomclosebutton Boolean Indicates whether MRAID.useCustomClose() is allowed in the ad markup. Always false, Chartboost no longer allows custom close buttons.

BidRequest.imp[].video (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description Notes
mimes String array Content MIME types supported. Chartboost only supports video/mp4.
minduration Integer Minimum video ad duration in seconds. Current default is 6.
maxduration Integer Maximum video ad duration in seconds. Chartboost default is 45; ranges between 30-120 seconds, configurable by the publisher.
protocols Integer array Supported video bid response protocols. Default includes 2 (VAST 2.0), 3 (VAST 3.0), 5 (VAST 2.0 Wrapper), 6 (VAST 3.0 Wrapper), 7 (VAST 4.0), 8 (VAST 4.0 Wrapper), 11 (VAST 4.1), 12 (VAST 4.1 Wrapper), 13 (VAST 4.2), 14 (VAST 4.2 Wrapper).
w Integer Default IAB standard size unless otherwise requested during integration. Β 
h Integer Default IAB standard size unless otherwise requested during integration. Β 
placement Integer Placement type for the impression. Chartboost currently supports only 5 (Interstitial/Sliding/Floater).
linearity Integer Indicates if the impression is linear, nonlinear, etc.. Chartboost currently supports only linear/in-stream (1) impressions.
skip Integer Indicates whether the user can skip the video ad after 5 seconds of playback. 0: no, 1: yes. Β 
battr Integer array Blocked IAB creative attributes for this ad placement. There are attributes we block on Chartboost Exchange listed in Exchange Wide Blocks. Note that individual publishers may block additional attributes in battr. Refer to list 5.3 of the Open RTB 2.3 specifications.
maxbitrate Integer Maximum bit rate in Kbps. Chartboost will always send 6000.
playbackmethod Integer array Allowed playback methods. Current default is 1 (Auto-Play Sound On) but 2 (Auto-Play Sound Off) could be sent depending on publisher preference for muted ads.
delivery Integer array Indicates the supported delivery method. Chartboost strongly recommends using progressive video content delivery (2).
companionad Object array Defines companion ad (VAST end card) specs. Please refer to BidRequest Object: for more details.
companiontype Integer array Indicates that only Static or HTMLResource companion ad types are allowed. Chartboost currently supports both. New: mraid.js is supported in HTMLResource companion ads as of December 2019.
ext.placementtype String Type of ad being placed. Will be either rewarded or interstitial.

BidRequest.imp[].video.companionad (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description Notes
api Integer array Indicates supported MRAID versions (Array of integers). Typically [3,5,7]. Chartboost SDK supports MRAID-1, MRAID-2 and OMID-1 methods. Please see the Creatives & Ad Formats section below for more details.
btype Integer array Blocked banner types for this ad placement. Refer to list 5.2 of the Open RTB 2.3 specifications., Chartboost always sends [4] to block the iframe banner type.
battr Integer array Blocked IAB creative attributes for this ad placement. There are attributes we block on Chartboost Exchange listed in Exchange Wide Blocks. Note that individual publishers may block additional attributes in battr. Refer to list 5.3 of the Open RTB 2.3 specifications.
pos Integer Ad position on the screen. Always be set to 7, since all Chartboost end cards are shown in full-screen format.
h Integer Default IAB standard size. e.g. 320 or 480 for Phones, 1024 or 768 for Tablets.
w Integer Default IAB standard size. e.g. 320 or 480 for Phones, 1024 or 768 for Tablets.
id String Unique identifier for this companion ad object. Will always be set to 1

BidRequest.user.geo (Object) / BidRequest.device.geo (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description
country String Country code using ISO-3166-1-alpha-3.
type Integer Source of location data.
city String City using United Nations Code for Trade & Transport Locations.
region String Region code using ISO-3166-2.
zip String Zip or postal code.

BidRequest.imp[].pmp (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description
private_auction Integer Indicator of auction eligibility to seats named in the Direct Deals object, where 0 = all bids are accepted, 1 = bids are restricted to the deals specified and the terms thereof.
deals Object Array Array of Deal objects that convey the specific deals applicable to this impression.

BidRequest.pmp[].deals (Object Array) πŸ”—

Field Type Description
id String A unique identifier for the direct deal.
bidfloor Float Minimum bid for this impression expressed in CPM.
at Integer Optional override of the overall auction type of the bid request, where 1 = First Price, 2 = Second Price Plus, 3 = the value passed in bidfloor is the agreed upon deal price. Additional auction types can be defined by the exchange.

BidRequest.ext.schain (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description
ver String Version of the supply chain specification in use. Always β€œ1.0”.
complete Integer Flag indicating whether the chain contains all nodes involved in the transaction leading back to the owner of the app, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. Chartboost only offers complete (1) supply-chain inventory.
nodes Object Array Array of SupplyChainNode objects in the order of the chain. Each node will contain at minimum the following fields: asi, sid, rid, hp. Refer to OpenRTB SupplyChain object documentation for definitions.

BidRequest.source.ext (Object) πŸ”—

Field Type Description
omidpn String Identifier of the OM SDK integration. This is the same as the β€œname” parameter of the OMID Partner object.
omidpv String Version of the OM SDK integration. This is the same as the β€œversionString” parameter of the OMID Partner object. Note that CB SDK Versions 9.3.1 and above support OM SDK.

Example Requests πŸ”—

// Banner placement (320x50)
  "id": "9d554579-f21a-4f6f-a33e-42c41b09b206",
  "imp": [{
    "id": "1",
    "banner": {
      "api": [3,5,7],
      "w": 320,
      "h": 50,
      "pos": 1,
      "topframe": 1,
      "battr": [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
      "btype": [4],
      "ext": {
        "placementtype": "banner",
        "playableonly": false,
        "allowscustomclosebutton": false
    "instl": 0,
    "tagid": "Default",
    "displaymanager": "Chartboost-iOS-SDK",
    "displaymanagerver": "9.4.1",
    "bidfloor": 0.1,
    "bidfloorcur": "USD",
    "secure": 1,
    "clickbrowser": 1,
    "ext": {
      "skadn": {
        "versions": ["2.0","2.2","3.0","4.0"],
        "sourceapp": "1499118002",
        "skadnetids": [
  "app": {
    "id": "4fa7c657f77659a92b000111",
    "name": "Buster's Boost",
    "bundle": "907175713",
    "storeurl": "",
    "cat": ["IAB9-30", "IAB3"],
    "publisher": {
      "id": "4dd5173cbb93162407001111",
      "name": "Chartboost Sample Company"
    "ext": {
      "package": "com.chartboost.bustersboost"
  "device": {
    "carrier": "WIFI",
    "connectiontype": 2,
    "devicetype": 1,
    "geo": {
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "country": "USA",
      "region": "CA",
      "type": 2,
      "zip": "94105"
    "h": 2008,
    "w": 1536,
    "ifa": "EEEE44E2-EC2C-C266-4A64-AD1CADA1D062",
    "ip": "",
    "language": "en",
    "lmt": 0,
    "make": "Apple",
    "model": "iPad4,4",
    "os": "iOS",
    "osv": "14.5.1",
    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 10_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14A403",
    "ext": {
      "ifv": "AAAA44E3-FC2C-D266-4A64-BD1CADA1D095",
      "atts": 3
  "user": {
    "id": "20470538-b75f-11e6-a614-6158f10b9151",
    "geo": {
      "country": "USA",
      "type": 2,
      "region": "CA",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "zip": "94105"
    "ext": {
      "consent": 1
  "at": 1,
  "cur": ["USD"],
  "regs": {
    "coppa": 0,
    "ext": {
      "gdpr": 0
  "badv": [
  "bapp": [
  "bcat": ["IAB2-3"],
  "tmax": 400,
  "source": {
            "omidpn": "Chartboost",
            "omidpv": "9.4.1"
  "ext": {
    "schain": {
     "ver": "1.0",
     "complete": 1,
     "nodes": [

Interstitial placement: Display only (MRAID) πŸ”—

// Interstitial placement: Display only (MRAID) 
  "id": "9d554579-f21a-4f6f-a33e-42c41b09b206",
  "imp": [{
    "id": "1",
    "banner": {
      "api": [3,5,7],
      "w": 320,
      "h": 480,
      "pos": 7,
      "topframe": 1,
      "battr": [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15],
      "btype": [4],
      "ext": {
        "placementtype": "interstitial",
        "playableonly": false,
        "allowscustomclosebutton": false
    "instl": 1,
    "tagid": "Default",
    "displaymanager": "Chartboost-iOS-SDK",
    "displaymanagerver": "9.4.1",
    "bidfloor": 0.5,
    "bidfloorcur": "USD",
    "secure": 1,
    "clickbrowser": 1
  "app": {
    "id": "4fa7c657f77659a92b000111",
    "name": "Buster's Boost",
    "bundle": "907175713",
    "storeurl": "",
    "cat": ["IAB9-30", "IAB3"],
    "publisher": {
      "id": "4dd5173cbb93162407001111",
      "name": "Chartboost Sample Company"
    "ext": {
      "package": "com.chartboost.bustersboost"
  "device": {
    "carrier": "WIFI",
    "connectiontype": 2,
    "devicetype": 1,
    "geo": {
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "country": "USA",
      "region": "CA",
      "type": 2,
      "zip": "94105"
    "h": 2008,
    "w": 1536,
    "ifa": "EEEE44E2-EC2C-C266-4A64-AD1CADA1D062",
    "ip": "",
    "language": "en",
    "lmt": 0,
    "make": "Apple",
    "model": "iPad4,4",
    "os": "iOS",
    "osv": "10.0.1",
    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 10_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14A403"
  "user": {
    "id": "20470538-b75f-11e6-a614-6158f10b9151",
    "geo": {
      "country": "USA",
      "type": 2,
      "region": "CA",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "zip": "94105"
    "ext": {
      "consent": 1
  "at": 1,
  "cur": ["USD"],
  "regs": {
    "coppa": 0,
    "ext": {
      "gdpr": 0
  "badv": [
  "bcat": ["IAB2-3"],
  "tmax": 400,
  "source": {
            "omidpn": "Chartboost",
            "omidpv": "9.4.1"
  "ext": {
    "schain": {
     "ver": "1.0",
     "complete": 1,
     "nodes": [

Interstitial placement: Video only (VAST) πŸ”—

// Interstitial placement: Video only (VAST)
  "id": "9d554579-f21a-4f6f-a33e-42c41b09b206",
  "imp": [{
    "id": "1",
    "video": {
      "mimes": ["video/mp4"],
      "minduration": 6,
      "maxduration": 45,
      "maxbitrate": 6000,
      "playbackmethod": [1],
      "protocols": [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14],
      "battr": [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
      "w": 320,
      "h": 480,
      "placement": 5,
      "linearity": 1,
      "skip": 1,
      "delivery": [1, 2],
      "pos": 7,
      "companiontype": [1, 2],
      "companionad": [{
        "api": [3,5,7],
        "btype": [4],
        "battr": [1, 2, 6, 7],
        "pos": 7,
        "h": 320,
        "w": 480,
        "id": "1"
      "ext": {
        "placementtype": "interstitial"
    "instl": 1,
    "tagid": "Default",
    "displaymanager": "Chartboost-iOS-SDK",
    "displaymanagerver": "9.4.1",
    "bidfloor": 0.5,
    "bidfloorcur": "USD",
    "secure": 1,
    "clickbrowser": 1
  "app": {
    "id": "4fa7c657f77659a92b000111",
    "name": "Buster's Boost",
    "bundle": "907175713",
    "storeurl": "",
    "cat": ["IAB9-30", "IAB3"],
    "publisher": {
      "id": "4dd5173cbb93162407001111",
      "name": "Chartboost Sample Company"
    "ext": {
      "package": "com.chartboost.bustersboost"
  "device": {
    "connectiontype": 2,
    "devicetype": 1,
    "geo": {
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "country": "USA",
      "region": "CA",
      "type": 2,
      "zip": "94105"
    "h": 2008,
    "w": 1536,
    "ifa": "EEEE44E2-EC2C-C266-4A64-AD1CADA1D062",
    "ip": "",
    "language": "en",
    "lmt": 0,
    "make": "Apple",
    "model": "iPad4,4",
    "os": "iOS",
    "osv": "10.0.1",
    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 10_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14A403"
  "user": {
    "id": "20470538-b75f-11e6-a614-6158f10b9151",
    "geo": {
      "country": "USA",
      "type": 2,
      "region": "CA",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "zip": "94105"
    "ext": {
      "consent": 1
  "at": 1,
  "cur": ["USD"],
  "regs": {
    "coppa": 0,
    "ext": {
      "gdpr": 0
  "badv": [
  "bcat": ["IAB2-3"],
  "tmax": 400,
  "source": {
            "omidpn": "Chartboost",
            "omidpv": "9.4.1"
  "ext": {
    "schain": {
     "ver": "1.0",
     "complete": 1,
     "nodes": [

Interstitial placement: Video (VAST) OR Display (MRAID) πŸ”—

// Interstitial placement: Video (VAST) OR Display (MRAID)
  "id": "9d554579-f21a-4f6f-a33e-42c41b09b206",
  "imp": [{
    "id": "1",
    "video": {
      "mimes": ["video/mp4"],
      "minduration": 6,
      "maxduration": 45,
      "maxbitrate": 6000,
      "playbackmethod": [1],
      "protocols": [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14],
      "battr": [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15],
      "w": 320,
      "h": 480,
      "placement": 5,
      "linearity": 1,
      "skip": 1,
      "delivery": [1, 2],
      "pos": 7,
      "companiontype": [1, 2],
      "companionad": [{
        "api": [3,5,7],
        "btype": [4],
        "battr": [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15],
        "pos": 7,
        "h": 320,
        "w": 480,
        "id": "1"
      "ext": {
        "placementtype": "interstitial"
    "banner": {
      "api": [3,5,7],
      "w": 320,
      "h": 480,
      "pos": 7,
      "topframe": 1,
      "battr": [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15],
      "btype": [4],
      "ext": {
        "placementtype": "interstitial",
        "playableonly": false,
        "allowscustomclosebutton": false
    "instl": 1,
    "tagid": "Default",
    "displaymanager": "Chartboost-iOS-SDK",
    "displaymanagerver": "9.4.1",
    "bidfloor": 0.5,
    "bidfloorcur": "USD",
    "secure": 1,
    "clickbrowser": 1
  "app": {
    "id": "4fa7c657f77659a92b000111",
    "name": "Buster's Boost",
    "bundle": "907175713",
    "storeurl": "",
    "cat": ["IAB9-30", "IAB3"],
    "publisher": {
      "id": "4dd5173cbb93162407001111",
      "name": "Chartboost Sample Company"
    "ext": {
      "package": "com.chartboost.bustersboost"
  "device": {
    "carrier": "WIFI",
    "connectiontype": 2,
    "devicetype": 1,
    "geo": {
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "country": "USA",
      "region": "CA",
      "type": 2,
      "zip": "94105"
    "h": 2008,
    "w": 1536,
    "ifa": "EEEE44E2-EC2C-C266-4A64-AD1CADA1D062",
    "ip": "",
    "language": "en",
    "lmt": 0,
    "make": "Apple",
    "model": "iPad4,4",
    "os": "iOS",
    "osv": "10.0.1",
    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 10_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14A403"
  "user": {
    "id": "20470538-b75f-11e6-a614-6158f10b9151",
    "geo": {
      "country": "USA",
      "type": 2,
      "region": "CA",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "zip": "94105"
    "ext": {
      "consent": 1
  "at": 1,
  "cur": ["USD"],
  "regs": {
    "coppa": 0,
    "ext": {
      "gdpr": 0
  "badv": [
  "bcat": ["IAB2-3"],
  "tmax": 400,
  "source": {
            "omidpn": "Chartboost",
            "omidpv": "9.4.1"
  "ext": {
    "schain": {
     "ver": "1.0",
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Rewarded placement: Video only (VAST) πŸ”—

// Rewarded placement: Video only (VAST)
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Rewarded placement: Video (VAST) OR Display User-interactive (MRAID playable only) πŸ”—

// Rewarded placement: Video (VAST) OR Display User-interactive (MRAID playable only)
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Interstitial placement: Video only (VAST) with PMP πŸ”—

//Interstitial placement: Video only (VAST) with PMP
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