Loss Notifications

If a lurl is provided in the bid response, Chartboost will send win/loss/error notifications via server-side HTTP GET requests. Standard OpenRTB 2.5 macro replacement is supported here. A list of the supported macros as well as our reason code mapping table can be found below.

Supported lurl macros:

Code ${AUCTION_LOSS} code definition
0 Won the auction.
3 Invalid Bid Response.
4 Invalid Bid Deal ID.
5 Bid response’s impid doesn’t match auction id.
6 Invalid Adomain.
100 Bid price was below the bid floor.
102 Bid lost to a higher price from another bidder.
103 Bid lost to a PMP Deal.
204 Blocked due to unexpected creative format (e.g. banner bid response on video-only bid requests or vice versa).
205 Blocked due to bid response’s adomain in bid request’s badv list.
206 Blocked due to bid response’s bundle in bid request’s bapp list.
209 Blocked due to bid response’s cat in bid request’s bcat list.
211 Blocked due to a bid response missing bid.ext.crtype:"MRAID playable” for a Rewarded placement and non-VAST response.
214 Invalid SKAdNetwork.
502 Bid won the auction but the ad failed to load.
1000 Blocked due to creative id (crid) being blocked globally on Chartboost side.
1001 Timeout. Bid request was not received in time for the auction. *Partial as we can only wait a brief time for a response after the auction timeout.
1002 burl or ext.imptrackers contains non-URL-encoded ' character.
1003 burl or ext.imptrackers URL that exceeds 12K characters.