iOS 14+ & SKAdNetwork Attribution

Overview 🔗

With the recent Apple announcement of the IDFA change on iOS 14+, Chartboost Exchange is planning to support SKAdNetwork attribution for DSP partners and also pass additional parameters in OpenRTB bid requests to help our partners augment modeling and targeting when IDFA is absent.

SKAdNetwork Support 🔗

  • Chartboost has added SKAdNetwork version 2.0 support in our iOS SDK 8.3.0+, version 2.2 & 3.0 support in iOS SDK 8.4.2+, and version 4.0 support in iOS SDK 9.2.0+. If you plan to use SKAdNetwork attribution on Chartboost Exchange, please remember to share your SKAdNetwork ID(s) with the Chartboost Exchange team.
    • For SKAdNetwork 4.0+ in the Bid Response, use sourceidentifier as campaign is deprecated.
  • Chartboost provides integration instructions for publishers to include the related SKAdNetwork IDs in their Info.plist file.
  • Chartboost Exchange will include SKAdNetwork related parameters in the bid requests, so DSPs can identify which bid requests support SKAdNetwork and submit bid responses accordingly (see the detailed specs for bid request and bid response below).
    • If the publisher app’s Info.plist includes at least one SKAdNetworkItem matching a given DSP’s id(s), Chartboost Exchange will add imp.ext.skadn object in the bid request to the DSP. This object will only be present if the bid request is from iOS 14+ and an SKAN v2.0+ compatible SDK.
  • The Chartboost Monetization SDK will show a StoreKit Rendered Ad if the bid response indicates that one is required in

Note: If the response is "version":"2.2" or "version":"3.0", fidelities field is required (refer to the 2.2 example below). If the response is "version":"2.2" and there is only one object in the fidelities array, fidelity must be set to 1. If the response is "version":"2.0", fidelities should not be used (refer to the 2.0 example below).

BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn (Object) 🔗

Field Type Description Example
version String The version of SkAdNetwork supported (deprecated in favor of “versions” and not present in any SKAN 2.1+ bid requests). Always “2.0”. "2.0"
versions String Array A list of supported SkAdNetwork versions. ["2.0","2.2","3.0","4.0"]
sourceapp String The publisher app’s App Store ID. Should match "1499118002"
skadnetids String Array A subset of SKAdNetworkItems included in the publisher app’s Info.plist, associated with the DSP. ["dsp1.skadnetwork", "dsp2.skadnetwork"]
productpage Integer Custom Product Page support. See Apple’s Custom Product Page doc for details. Value must be 1. 1
ext.skoverlay Integer Indicates if SKOverlay is supported (available as of iOS SDK 9.1). Value is 1 if eligible, otherwise omitted from the bid request. Refer to the SKOverlay Support section below. See SKOverlay bid request example.


  "imp": [
      "ext": {
        "skadn": {
          "versions": ["2.0","2.2","3.0","4.0"],
          "sourceapp": "1499118002",
          "skadnetids": [
          "productpage": 1
} (version 4.0) (Object) 🔗

Field Type Description Example
version String Version of SKAdNetwork desired. Must match a value from BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.versions. "4.0"
network String Ad Network Identifier used in the signature. Must match one of the ids in BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.skadnetids. "dsp1.skadnetwork"
sourceidentifier String A four-digit integer that ad networks define to represent the ad campaign. Used in SKAdNetwork 4.0+, replaces Campaign ID campaign. DSPs must generate signatures in 4.0+ using the Source Identifier. Should be a four-digit integer expressed as a string between 0000 and 9999. "4321"
itunesitem String The advertiser app’s App Store ID. Must match "487847188"
sourceapp String The publisher app’s App Store ID. Must match BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.sourceapp. "1499118002"
productpageid String Custom Product Page ID (UUID) (support available as of iOS SDK 9.2). "45812c9b-c296-43d3-c6a0-c5a02f74bf6d"
fidelities Object Array Array of fidelity types supported, introduced in SKAdNetwork v2.2. Note for SKADN 2.2: if there is only one object in the fidelities object, fidelity must have a value of 1. See Fidelities Object Array below.
ext.skoverlay Object Parameters to control a potential SKOverlay (available as of iOS SDK 9.1). Refer to the SKOverlay Support section below. See SKOverlay bid response example.


  "seatbid": [
      "bid": [
          "ext": {
            "skadn": {
              "version": "4.0",
              "network": "dsp1.skadnetwork",
              "sourceidentifier": "4321",
              "itunesitem": "487847188",
              "sourceapp": "1499118002",
              "productpageid": "45812c9b-c296-43d3-c6a0-c5a02f74bf6d",
              "fidelities": [
                  "fidelity": 0,
                  "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzKBSE8QnhLTIHZZZWCFgZpRqRxHss65KoFAiAJgJKjdrWdkLUOCCjuEx2RmFS7daRzSVZRVZ8RyMyUX1==",
                  "nonce": "68753a44-4d6f-1226-9c60-0050e4c00067",
                  "timestamp": "1600214400"
                  "fidelity": 1,
                  "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzKBSE8QnhLTIHZZZWCFgZpRqRxHss65KoFAiAJgJKjdrWdkLUOCCjuEx2RmFS7daRzSVZRVZ8RyMyUX2==",
                  "nonce": "68753a44-4d6f-1226-9c60-0050e4c00068",
                  "timestamp": "1600214401"
} (version 2.2 & 3.0) (Object) 🔗

Field Type Description Example
version String Version of SKAdNetwork desired. Must match a value from BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.versions. "2.2"
network String Ad Network Identifier used in the signature. Must match one of the ids in BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.skadnetids. "dsp1.skadnetwork"
campaign String Ad Network Campaign Identifier used in the signature. Should be an integer expressed as a string between 1 and 100. "18"
itunesitem String The advertiser app’s App Store ID. Must match "487847188"
sourceapp String The publisher app’s App Store ID. Must match BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.sourceapp. "1499118002"
productpageid String Custom Product Page ID (UUID) (support available as of iOS SDK 9.2). "45812c9b-c296-43d3-c6a0-c5a02f74bf6d"
fidelities Object Array Array of fidelity types supported, introduced in SKAdNetwork v2.2. Note for SKADN 2.2: if there is only one object in the fidelities object, fidelity must have a value of 1. See Fidelities Object Array below.
ext.skoverlay Object Parameters to control a potential SKOverlay (available as of iOS SDK 9.1). Refer to the SKOverlay Support section below. See SKOverlay bid response example.


  "seatbid": [
      "bid": [
          "ext": {
            "skadn": {
              "version": "2.2",
              "network": "dsp1.skadnetwork",
              "campaign": "18",
              "itunesitem": "487847188",
              "sourceapp": "1499118002",
              "productpageid": "45812c9b-c296-43d3-c6a0-c5a02f74bf6d",
              "fidelities": [
                  "fidelity": 0,
                  "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzKBSE8QnhLTIHZZZWCFgZpRqRxHss65KoFAiAJgJKjdrWdkLUOCCjuEx2RmFS7daRzSVZRVZ8RyMyUX1==",
                  "nonce": "68753a44-4d6f-1226-9c60-0050e4c00067",
                  "timestamp": "1600214400"
                  "fidelity": 1,
                  "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzKBSE8QnhLTIHZZZWCFgZpRqRxHss65KoFAiAJgJKjdrWdkLUOCCjuEx2RmFS7daRzSVZRVZ8RyMyUX2==",
                  "nonce": "68753a44-4d6f-1226-9c60-0050e4c00068",
                  "timestamp": "1600214401"
} (version 2.0) (Object) 🔗

Field Type Description Example
version String Version of SKAdNetwork desired. Must match BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.version (2.0 only). "2.0"
network String Ad Network Identifier used in the signature. Must match one of the IDs in BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.skadnetids. "dsp1.skadnetwork"
campaign String Ad Network Campaign Identifier used in the signature. As of SkAdNetwork v2.0, should be an integer between 1 and 100, expressed as a string. "18"
itunesitem String The advertiser app’s App Store ID. Must match "487847188"
sourceapp String The publisher app’s App Store ID. Must match BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.sourceapp. "1499118002"
signature String SKAdNetwork signature. "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzK..."
nonce String A unique UUID value for each bid response. The string representation of this nonce used in the signature must be in lowercase. "68753a44-4d6f-1226-9c60-0050e4c00067"
timestamp String UNIX time in milliseconds used at the time of signature generation. "1600214400"


  "seatbid": [
      "bid": [
          "ext": {
            "skadn": {
              "version": "2.0",
              "network": "dsp1.skadnetwork",
              "campaign": "18",
              "itunesitem": "487847188",
              "nonce": "68753a44-4d6f-1226-9c60-0050e4c00067",
              "sourceapp": "1499118002",
              "timestamp": "1600214400",
              "signature": "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzKBSE8QnhLTIHZZZWCFgZpRqRxHss65KoFAiAJgJKjdrWdkLUOCCjuEx2RmFS7daRzSVZRVZ8RyMyUXg=="
} (2.2, 3.0, & 4.0) (Object Array) 🔗

Field Type Description Example
fidelity Integer The fidelity-type of the attribution to track, introduced in SKAdNetwork v2.2. Note for SKADN 2.2: if there is only one object in the fidelities object, fidelity must have a value of 1. 1
nonce String A unique UUID value for each fidelity object. The string representation of this nonce used in the signature must be lowercase. "68753a44-4d6f-1226-9c60-0050e4c00067"
signature String SKAdNetwork signature. "MEQCIEQlmZRNfYzK..."
timestamp String UNIX time in milliseconds used at the time of signature generation. "1600214400"

OpenRTB Bid Request Parameters for Contextual Advertising 🔗

  • Chartboost Exchange will start passing additional parameters in bid requests to help partners enhance contextual advertising targeting. These parameters will be included in bid requests coming from Chartboost iOS SDK 8.2.1 and above. They will be available across all iOS OS versions. See Bid Request for specifications.
  • Updated fields include, user.ext.sessionduration, user.ext.impdepth, device.ext.ifv, and device.ext.atts.

iOS 14+ SKAdNetwork Attribution - Changes to click-through behavior 🔗

When an ad response contains SKAdNetwork parameters and a user clicks through the ad, click-through URLs (via VAST ClickThrough or CompanionClickThrough,, or standard HTML <a href="..."></a> links) will trigger HTTP GET requests by the SDK immediately & asynchronously in the background, following all HTTP 302 redirects to a final destination, while the SDK calls the iOS loadProduct API to open the itunesitem in the App Store. Note: VAST ClickTracking and CompanionClickTracking will continue to operate without change.