Auto Store

The Chartboost Exchange Auto Store is designed to enhance user experiences in ad-driven campaigns. It leverages the iOS SKStoreProductViewController to display a store modal within the app environment, enabling users to download apps without leaving the current app. This integration builds on the SKOverlay feature, providing a more seamless and optimized ad-driven campaign experience.

Integrating Auto Store πŸ”—

Auto Store is triggered after the SKOverlay video ends and only if autostore parameter is enabled.

  • To enable Auto Store, set autostore in to 1 (enabled).
  • To enable click tracking with Auto Store, set autostoreclick in to 1 (enabled).

When Auto Store is triggered, the app store will display within the app. Upon closing the Auto Store, an end card will then display.

Bid Request πŸ”—

Field Type Description
autostore integer Indicates if the inventory is eligible for Auto Store.

0: Ad inventory is not eligible for Auto Store.
1: Ad inventory is eligible for Auto Store.


  "imp": {
    "video": {
      "ext": {
        "autostore": 1

Bid Response πŸ”—

Field Type Required Description
autostore integer yes Determines if Chartboost should enable Auto Store for the ad.

0: Auto Store is disabled.
1: Auto Store is enabled if eligible.

Default value is set to 0. To set a custom default value, please contact us.
autostoreclick integer yes Indicates if Chartboost enables click trackers with StoreKit.

0: Click trackers are disabled.
1: Click trackers are enabled.

Default value is set to 0.


  "seatbid": [{
    "bid": [{
      "ext": {
        "autostore": 1,
        "autostoreclick": 1