Auction & Impression Tracking

Auction πŸ”—

Price model is always first-price, indicated via the at:1 field in bid requests.

Impression Trackers πŸ”—

Impression tracking URL requests are sent immediately upon rendering the impression. There are two options to provide these URL(s) in bid responses: 1) as a URL in the bid.burl field, or 2) as an array of URL(s) in the bid response’s seatbid[].bid.ext.imptrackers field. There is no difference between the options functionally, so you may use whichever suits your requirements.

Impression Pixels πŸ”—

Bidders are free to include impression tracking pixels in their ad markup. These are fired only when the ad gets rendered on the screen, as we do not support any pre-caching of ad content. However, for billable impression tracking, DSPs must use the burl or ext.imptrackers URLs. Pixels embedded in ad markup should not be relied upon as a primary tracking method and may lead to discrepancies.

Supported ext.imptrackers and burl macros πŸ”—