
Can I use Flexbid for CPM campaigns? 🔗

You can’t use Flexbid for CPM campaigns as the multipliers are only applied to a CPI value.

Can I use more than one target in the same campaign? 🔗

Yes, you can keep using the campaign settings as usual. If you have one target per campaign, Flexbid will be applied to the only available target. If there’s more than one target per campaign, Flexbid will only be applied to the target where you included your Flexbid settings. If you want to apply Flexbid to all your targets in the same campaign, you will need to add Flexbid individually to every target.

What are the bid dimensions available on Flexbid and which one should I use? 🔗

Depending on your LTV model some bid dimensions are more valuable than others. Make sure your bidding strategy with Flexbid matches your LTV strategy. Look at your user data and determine which bid dimensions might have more value to you. You can choose to use all four below bid dimensions in one Flexbid campaign or just one of them. There are no limits on how many bid dimensions and key values (the value under each bid dimension) a Flexbid campaign can have.

Which are the available bid dimensions on Flexbid? 🔗

  • Publisher App - Instead of excluding publisher apps, you can now bid toward what you think the value of that specific publisher app is.
  • Country - Instead of excluding certain countries, you can now bid higher on top-performing countries and bid lower on low-performing countries.
  • OS - Instead of targeting all OS versions, you’d want to bid higher on newer OS versions and bid lower on older OS versions. The competition at the older OS versions is usually less and therefore you don’t want to exclude it entirely but instead win that impression at a lower bid price.
  • Device Model - Instead of excluding specific device models you can now set high vs low values on every device model (iOS and Android) you’d like to bid on.

How do I decide which multiplier values to set for every key value under each bid dimension? 🔗

The multiplier values can range between 0.01 and 25 and depending on your goals and budget the multiplier values will look different for every advertiser. Being flexible with your bid, analyzing your data, and optimizing weekly, is what will set you up for success on Flexbid. See the example below on how Flexbid works and the final bid you’ll be paying. Your data values: Bid by publisher app:

  • Publisher A - 2.0
  • Publisher B - 1.5
  • Publisher C - 1.2

Bid by devices:

  • iPhone X - 2.0
  • iPhone 8 - 1.5
  • iPhone 7 - 1.0
  • iPhone 6 - 0.75
  • iPhone 5 - 0.25

We receive an impression from publisher A on an iPhone 5. The resulting CPI that the advertiser would pay for the install is:

  • Campaign Bid (CPI): $1.00
  • Bid dimension – Key values: Multiplier Value
  • Publisher app – A: 2.00
  • Device – iPhone 5: 0.25
  • Flexbid CPI Bid: $0.50

For simplicity, we only included in the example two multiplier values, but you can include as many as you like and there are no limitations. Whatever multiplier values you add to each bid dimension will multiply based on the CPI bid you set on the campaign level, in this case, 1 x 2 x 0.25 = $0.50. You’ll notice that a Flexbid campaign requires flexibility on your CPI which can turn out to be lower or higher than your campaign CPI.

How can I add a Flexbid to an existing advertising campaign? 🔗

Go to edit your campaign as you would usually do under Campaigns > Advertising.

Note: Flexbid only works on a CPI campaign.

How can I modify an existing advertising campaign on Flexbid? 🔗

To modify an existing campaign on Flexbid you only need to follow the same steps as if you wanted to start a new campaign on Flexbid. The new settings will automatically overwrite the old settings and your campaign will start running with the new multiplier values. Take into account that Flexbid only works if the key values for each bid dimension selected for the campaign match the ones provided in the Flexbid Template Excel, otherwise, the multipliers won’t be applied.

I don’t find the device model I want. What can I do? 🔗

The Flexbid template you download when setting up your campaign has an updated list of compatible devices per platform. However, if you can’t find a device please contact us and we’ll consider your request.

How often should I update my Flexbid campaign? 🔗

As you collect more and more data and get a better understanding of what’s working or not it is strongly recommended that you try to update your Flexbid campaign at least once every week. The more adjustments you can make the better the campaign will perform.

When can I see the performance of my Flexbid campaign? 🔗

It will take a few weeks before you see changes in the campaign result, as the data must be collected and reported back to you via our attribution integrations.